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Congrats on Completing the Course!

Thank you all for your hard work and participation during these four weeks. Your involvement in this course made for a richer and deeper learning experience. What You Have Achieved …

Course Summary

Based on the knowledge you have gained in this course, think about: What are your 2-3 key takeaways from this course? How will you apply these 2-3 key takeaways to …

Skit: Child Stories and Test Cases

In this video, a skit is provided to show you how to come up with child stories. After finishing this video, you’ve now watched skits on drafting epics from problem …

Writing Great User Stories

In this video, Alex discusses how to write user stories. If you would like to read the text version of the material that Alex covers during Week 4 for creating …

Preparing Great User Stories

As you watch this video, think about how you can tie the user stories back to the work you’ve already done in this course to help you understand your users …

From Discovering User Stories to Writing Them

During Week 3 you learned how to create software that meets users’ need, and how that begins with understanding that user–and user stories are a tool that helps teams understand …

Enhancing Your Problem Hypothesis

In this video, Alex explains how to supplement your interview guide with questions that are specific to your problem hypothesis. If you would like to read the text version of …

Researching Personas

In this video, Alex explains how to go out and talk to real users and customers quickly and effectively to understand what’s going to be valuable to them. If you …

User Research for Busy People

In this video, Alex discusses how to make research a natural part of your everyday activities, and he discusses the importance of looking at personas and problems as hypotheses. As …

From Developing Personas to User Stories

During Week 2, you learned how to develop personas, problem scenarios, and alternatives using best practices from design thinking. This is important because the best way to avoid building something …

Demo: Using the Design Venture Template

Follow along as Alex demos use of the Venture Design framework. If you would like to use the template online and make your own working copy, then visit the website …

Design Thinking for Agile User Stories

In this video, Alex explains personas and the practice of design thinking. While watching the video, think about the experiences you’ve had with creating personas and if they were in …

What is Agile?

Alex discusses in this video what agile is. As you listen to video, think about why it would be useful to practice agile in your workplace/position and how you could …

From Understanding Agile to Developing Personas

The practices that deliver excellent product are well understood, but rarely seen. During Week 1, you identified what’s hard about creating excellent products and how agile can help. You learned …

The Manifesto in Progress

In this video, Alex further discusses the manifesto of agile. If you would like to read over the manifesto, please visit the website below: Agile Manifesto