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The importance of participation

We started to consider the importance of participation in Week 1 of this course. Let us now revisit this vital subject. Meaningful participation means children and young people are provided …

Children at higher risk of alternative care

In Week 2 we learnt that children find themselves in alternative care for many different reasons. The actual extent to which these reasons prevail also differ from country to country. …

The reasons children come into care

In this video Dr Ian Milligan, International Project Advisor at CELCIS in the University of Strathclyde, talks to Maria Herczog and asks her to share her understanding of why children …

Why children come into care

What are the reasons children come into alternative care? Although there are no accurate global data about children in alternative care, studies in a variety of countries demonstrate that such …

Looking back on Week 2

Hello and well done for all your commitment in working through Week 2 of your course ‘Getting Care Right for All Children’. This week we further explored the content of …

Tertiary prevention

Primary and secondary prevention measures do not always succeed on their own and, consequently, some children require alternative care. It is at this point that tertiary prevention comes into play. …

Introduction to secondary prevention

Secondary level prevention is designed to act as a “safety net” when, for whatever reason, primary prevention measures have proven to be insufficient. It comprises targeted support of various kinds …

Examples of primary prevention

In this video, we hear from Geoffrey Oyat who is the Regional Child Protection Advisor with Save the Children covering East and Southern Africa. He holds a Master’s Degree in …

What is primary prevention?

The overall aim of primary level prevention is to enable and empower parents to care for their children so that families can remain together. It encompasses the provision of basic …