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‘Climate Smart’ agriculture

Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) aims to address the interlinked challenges of climate change and food security, which measures food availability and people’s access to it. CSA has three goals: to reduce …

Climate change and agriculture

Here, Prof Stephen Sitch describes how agriculture contributes towards to climate change and how agriculture itself is impacted by climate change in terms of future crop and pest distributions. In …

Summary of the week

Well done for reaching the end of Week 2 of Future Food. We hope you enjoyed it, and now feel you have a better understanding of the impacts of food …

Is it sustainable to eat meat?

There are numerous arguments for reducing meat consumption: health, animal welfare, biodiversity, carbon footprint, water footprint, and soil conservation. Health In Week 1 (e.g. Step 1.8) we found out about …

Livestock farming and the environment

In this video, Dr Mark van der Giezen discusses global meat consumption and highlights the differences between livestock production systems in terms of greenhouse emissions. The next step is a …

Genetics and the salmon

In this video, Dr Jamie Stevens talks about how he uses population genetics to monitor salmon stocks and the effect of commercial fishing on different fish populations. Now move on …

The future of fisheries

Here, Dr Mark van der Giezen talks about the increase of global fish consumption and the challenges global fisheries and aquacultures face. This is followed by another video in which …

Exploring crop data in FAOSTAT

Dr Dan Bebber demonstrates how to access statistical data, on crop production, using the UN FAOSTAT database. As we mentioned before, it might be useful to open the FAOSTAT page …


Most countries around the world keep records of what farmers produce, where they produce it, and how this has changed over time. Records are also kept on what agricultural products …

Crop production and the planet

In this video, Dr Dan Bebber shows where and how crops were domesticated and how agricultural developments changed the world’s ecosystems. In the next step we will introduce you to …

Summary of the week

Well done for reaching the end of Week 1 of Future Food. We hope you enjoyed it, and now feel you have a better understanding of Diets and Health, including: …

How do we get people to change their eating habits?

In this video, Prof. Natalia Lawrence explains what drives our food choices, including how conscious and unconscious processes interact. You will learn about some different strategies that help people stick …

Dietary guidelines for health and sustainability

As we just heard in the video, people in developed countries, and those undergoing a ‘nutrition transition’ in developing countries, are eating too much red meat, saturated fat, processed foods …

How changing diets are affecting health

In this video, Dr Rob Andrew discusses the key components of healthy diets, describes what is the effect of urbanisation on people’s health and highlights the importance of eating five …

Food cultures: past and present

Here, Prof Harry G. West talks about how what the world eats is changing, describes the history of human diets and what diet globalisation means to food production. In the …