So how much progress have we made towards using fusion to generate electricity? Here, we introduce the concept of the fusion energy gain factor, normally written as (Q). (Q) is …
Fusion technology If we can push together two light nuclei, they can fuse and release their excess energy. So how do we make use of this in practice? The problem …
As well as playing an important role in developing medical imaging technologies, particle physics is also vital in developing treatments, particularly for diseases such as cancer. In the video above, …
Let’s get started! Plasma is often referred to as the fourth state of matter. So how is it different from the other states of matter – solids, liquids, and gases? …
Trying to identify candidates for dark matter is an ongoing and exciting field of astrophysics. There are still many possibilities, one of which is the d* hexaquark. As Prof. Dan …
Moving on from medical applications, we are now going to explore an exciting new discovery in particle physics. The d-star hexaquark, described by Dr Mikhail Bashkanov in the video above, …
The d-star hexaquark may have a role to play in the structure of neutron stars. Let’s find out more… Neutron stars are the remnants left after the gravitational collapse of …
This week we have explored the world of quantum and particle physics. We hope that you were inspired by the applications of this research to areas as diverse as medical …
We finish this section on designer materials by looking at one final application of computer modelling materials: pharmaceuticals. You might imagine that developing new medications would be best done by …
Here we will look at an innovative software which allows new advanced materials to be developed using sophisticated computer simulation. It has been used for a vast range of applications: …
Finding ways to improve a material, let alone creating a brand new one, is experimentally challenging and requires time, money and resources. This effort is only worthwhile if the final …
Having looked at how photonic nanostructures are manufactured, this video shows how they are converted into biosensors. The biosensors developed at the University of York combine the diffraction and Bragg …
This week we have zoomed in on the nanoscale and explored the world of materials. We have investigated how electron microscopy can allow us to see down to the atomic …
In addition to being used for biosensors, photonic nanostructures can be used in a wide range of other applications. Arguably one of the most important of these is in improving …
Once a photonic nanostructure has been designed, we need to manufacture it. The process, for the example of a diffraction grating discussed in the previous article, is shown in the …