The RAF in memory Here we take a different approach to the subject of the RAF in the Cold War and look the museums themselves. This helps us to understand …
The end of the Cold War Throughout the period looked at this week, it is clear that the role and structure of the RAF changed and developed continuously. This was …
Freeing Kuwait. In this step we consider the following statements: Gulf War I saw both the Tornado ADV and the Tornado IDS versions deployed, the latter in a Cold War …
RAF Germany: The Central Front and Tactical Strike Capacity In this video we consider the following statements: We previously neglected the English Electric Lightening as an RAF-assigned aircraft to defend …
‘Sale of the Century’ In this video we consider the following statement and questions: Blue Streak would have been Britain’s alternative to Thor; but it was cancelled in 1960 in …
The loss of the strategic nuclear deterrent In this video we consider the following statements: The switch from the strategic to the tactical role saw little practical change in the …
Seb Cox In this short video, Seb Cox adds his considerable knowledge and perspective to the issue of how the RAF concentrated on the NATO central front post-1968. Please add …
‘East of Eden’ As well as the James Dean film, this term is generally used to explain the withdrawal of the British military from former colonial holdings, such as Singapore …
Prof David Edgerton David is the Hans Rausing Professor of the History of Science and Technology and Professor of Modern British History at King’s College London. As well as ‘England …
In this video we cover the following: The TSR-2 holds a particular place in British aviation – and is a source of much regret What were the additional developments need …
Seb Cox on the 1957 Defence White Paper We were very grateful for Seb Cox’s participation in this video, giving his view of the Duncan Sandys’ Defence White Paper from …
A shift in emphasis in defence In this step we address the following questions: What was the main shift in policy that the Sandys’ White Paper embodied? Why such a …
Week 5: 1962-65 to c.1991. During this week, we wanted to explore the implications of Britain’s economic situation on the RAF in the wake of the Skybolt cancellation. By the …
In the final section for this week’s topic… … We must ask the question, how did the RAF develop in its role in protecting Britain? The Cold War was a …