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What does a forensic anthropologist do?

The USA-based forensic anthropologist Steven Byres (2017) states that a forensic anthropologist has 5 principal objectives: 1) Obtain a skeletal profile (‘osteoprofile’) from the remains of the deceased individual, which …

What happens to human bodies after death?

Death, Decay and Decomposition Before discussing the specific roles of forensic archaeologists and anthropologists in more detail, it is worth first considering what happens to a body after death. After …

Forensic Archaeology and Forensic Anthropology

What is Forensic Anthropology and Archaeology? The terms ‘forensic archaeology’ and ‘forensic anthropology’ are widely misused in the popular media today and this can be a source of confusion. The …

Ethics of Human Skeletal Analysis

Ethical Considerations Human bones are the remains of once-living people and they require ethical and legal consideration above and beyond other forms of archaeological and forensic evidence. Human remains should …