What are emotions? How are they classified? This is our first video introducing psychological topics. We start by giving an introduction to the concept of emotion, including the six primary …
What fuel does the brain use? In the previous steps, we learned some crucial notions about the brain. We now end with a brief analysis of brain metabolism and its …
This video continues our introduction to the brain. Julia Jarosławska discusses more aspects of the blood-brain barrier, as well as introduces new elements such as the neuroendocrine axes and their …
What topics will this course cover? During this five week course we will discuss biological and psychological topics related to eating and food. During the second activity of the first …
What are the basic characteristics of the brain? What is a neuron? In this video, we start exploring the brain and its basic characteristics – its macroanatomy, such as the …
The Team This course was created by scientists coming from three institutions: the University of Torino, the University of Hohenheim and the Institute of Food Research and Animal Reproduction (Polish …