Catalan numbers are one of my favourite types of numbers! They pop up regularly in situations where things need to be counted (a branch of mathematics called combinatorics). Catalan numbers …
Les Pook has written two classic books on flexagon theory. His second book, Serious Fun with Flexagons, is a rigorous, comprehensive analysis of many kinds of flexagons, the nets from …
At first glance, it looks like flexagons and Möbius strips are exact opposites. Möbius strips have one or two sides, depending on the parity of the number of half twists. …
You have watched and played with Möbius strips. Let’s summarise what we’ve learnt. Odd and even half-twisted paper strips A strip of paper has two sides. Attaching its ends together …
In this step, we’re going to take a look at some Möbius strips. I can’t emphasise enough, how important Möbius strips are to mathematics, so it is really important to …
So! We have reached the end of the course. We do plan on offering more courses like this on FutureLearn so please, do stay tuned. The Weizmann Institute of Science …
Watch the video and follow the instructions to build the tetra-octa-flexagon: Download the file below which has the templates for the back and front of the paper strip that will …
Watch the video and follow the instructions to build the hexa-hexa-flexagon: Download the file below which has the templates for the back and front of the paper strip that will …
This week we’re going to take a look at advanced flexagons and we’ll start with two important flexagons, the straight-strip, cyclic, hexa-hexa-flexagon (6-6-flexagon), and the straight-strip, cyclic, tetra-octa-flexagon (4-8-flexagon). Notice …
Watch the video and follow the instructions to build Robin Moseley’s magic square flexagon. This flexagon features four famous magic squares created by Josep Maria Subirachs (the Sagrada family church …
Magic squares have fascinated mankind for thousands of years. No one really knows the origin of magic squares, but many historians think that they were invented in ancient China. What …
The previous article may have left you confused, so let’s recap what we know about flexagons and be specific as to how we are going to refer to them for …
Let’s return to the basic tri-hexa-flexagon and explore some of its properties. You made this flexagon from a pre-coloured strip of paper. Of course, Arthur Stone and his friends didn’t …
Watch the video and follow the instructions to build the non-cyclic hexa-tetra-flexagon: Download the file below which has the templates for the back and front of a rectangular sheet of …