At Star Carr we have discovered Britain’s oldest known houses. Here Nicky explains how they might have been made, using a variety of plant remains. Further resources If you would …
Another exciting discovery was a complete digging stick which again we believe is the oldest known example in the world. As well as the one that Mike Bamforth shows you …
One of the most exciting discoveries we made was what appears to be a complete wooden bow, which is the oldest known complete bow in the world. As Mike Bamforth …
As we have learnt, birch was dominant in the landscape. Birch bark can usually be removed from birch trees in large strips (though you have to be careful not to …
During the time when Star Carr was occupied the environment would have been different to today. In order to try and reconstruct this environment and the plants within it, over …
Here several strands of evidence from Star Carr are pieced together to suggest how sparks might have been made and then tinder and wood would have been used to build …
Harry Robson, our fungi expert, has always had a passion for fungi and he collected them and studied them over the years as a hobby. Although fungi are not plants …
In addition, three pieces of amber were found during Clark’s excavations, one of which was perforated twice but was also broken (the photograph above). Such finds are incredibly rare – …
During our excavations we found three shale beads. Two of these were found in situ (i.e. within the peat) and are very similar in size and shape to those found …
During Clark’s excavations a total of 33 shale beads were found. The stone beads were found mainly in two clusters with some others scattered around. All of the beads were …
Finally, we carried out some experiments and made a pendant out of shale, using a piece of flint to engrave it. What we found was that when grooves are made …
We also looked for usewear traces on the pendant. There were no wear traces around the hole which might have indicated that it had been suspended and neither were there …