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Why are we all here?

Our lives are heading deeper and deeper into cyberspace. Digital systems now process and store more of our personal data than ever before and are central to areas of critical …

What is the Computer Misuse Act?

The Computer Misuse Act (CMA) is the main legislation in the UK which covers computer-related crime. When was the CMA founded? It was originally introduced in 1990 and has been …

Penetration Testing Security Clearance

Many penetration testing assignments are related to highly secure and sensitive environments and so require that the pentesting team holds an appropriate level of security clearance. This clearance ensures that …

What is ethical hacking?

As mentioned already, more and more of our personal lives are moving into the digital systems of cyberspace. Defending these systems is a significant challenge that requires a combination of …

Setting up a virtual lab

In order to complete the practical lab that takes place later this week, you’ll need to download and configure the virtual machines (VMs) from our repository. This step contains instructions …

Staying within the law

Needless to say, a lot of the skills and information that you learn in this course are used by criminals, as well as legitimate penetration testers. There are a few …

Different types of threats and ethical hackers

There are many different types of threats that can compromise information security. Focusing on cyberattacks, we can separate them into three main categories: Technical attacks – usually take advantage of …

Getting the most out of your learning

As this might be your first time studying with Coventry University, we’ve put together a few tips to help you get the most out of the experience. Comments FutureLearn is …