Course: Essential Mathematics for Data Analysis in Microsoft Excel
Formula Sneak Peek
In this extra-large lesson, we’ll dig into some of the actual math behind data analysis. In several videos and hands-on labs, we’ll explore sigma notation, calculating the mean, and calculating …
Example Analysis
Math and Data In this introductory lesson, we’ll explore the basics of data set anatomy, including variables, observations, and how a “tidy” data set is organized. We’ll also look at …
Types of Data
Lesson 2: Types of Data In this lesson, we’ll explore a few different types and kinds of data. We’ll also talk about how these different types form a hierarchy, depending …
Tidy Data
Lab: Data Set Anatomy In this lab, you’ll get familiar with the layout of a data set. Interpreting data is an important first step before manipulating it, so there’s no …
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Essential Mathematics for Data Analysis in Microsoft Excel