Course: Essential Mathematics for Data Analysis in Microsoft Excel
Mean Practice
Now that we understand the basics of Sigma notation, let’s begin with some statistical formulas. The first one we’re going to look at is how to calculate the average of …
Standard Deviation Practice
Now that we understand how to find the mean, let’s have a look at how to apply standard deviation. Remember that we had a look at this equation earlier in …
Histogram Overview
Lesson 1: Histogram Overview and Normal Distribution This lesson gives some hands-on experience with our first data visualization: the histogram. It’s much easier to understand what our data are saying …
Lesson 3: Proportions In this lesson, we’ll look at the basics of using proportions and percentages to summarize different aspects of data with two or more variables. We’ll also add …
SD Part 1
Lesson 2: SD vs. IQR There are a couple different ways to measure the variation or “spread” in a data set: the standard deviation (which we also touched on in …
Lesson 1: Mode, Mean, Median In this lesson, we’ll look at the three m‘s: mode, mean, and median. They each measure the “center” of a data set in a slightly …
Sigma Notation Part 4
Lab: Sigma Notation Sigma notation is the basic building block for creating a lot of different analytics formulas. In this lab, we’ll practice using our new favorite Greek letter to …
These articles are from the online course:
Essential Mathematics for Data Analysis in Microsoft Excel