In this step, we spoke to parents, educators and people who grew up with more than one language themselves. We asked them about their own experiences of growing up with …
In this step, education consultant and writer Tracey Chapelton talks about how young children acquire language. After watching this video, you will have now heard Catherine Stewart and Tracey Chapelton …
We would like you to be active in your learning, be confident to take risks and to try out your learning in your classes and interactions with the children in …
We’ve looked at how young children learn, but how do they learn best, and what does this mean for children learning English as an additional language? In this step Catherine …
You may have found the activity in the previous step a bit frustrating. In this video Catherine Stewart, Head of Early Years, British Council School, Madrid, talks about how children …
Earlier in the course we asked you to look at some descriptions of childhood development and think about the age range these statements are referring to. According to the Early …
In our experience of developing our Learning Time with Timmy English courses for 2-6-year olds we looked to formal early years education settings to develop a curriculum that focuses on …
These articles are from the online course:
English in Early Childhood: Learning Language Through Play