It is important to ensure vascular and neurological adequacy. Evidence of poor perfusion or reduced sensation may require prompt transfer to an appropriate hospital setting to enable re-alignment of the …
At the very outset, confidence and good communication are important. Anxiety and fear can sometimes promote hysteria. Kind but firm language can help de-escalate fraught situations (remember parents and teachers …
Sporting injuries are very common, especially among young children with few fears of heights and self preservation! Specific injuries to consider are dislocations or fractures, and be aware that these …
Damian Roland, Consultant and Senior Honorary Lecturer in Paediatric Emergency Medicine at Leicester Hospitals and Leicester University will guide you through your next topic, minor injuries. We discussed head injury …
In this activity we have seen Marley, who presented with breathing problems. As the scenario unfolded it became clear that there was more to this case than a simple chest …
It is clear from this video that the crew believe Marley is displaying signs of a significant chest infection and sepsis. How did your previous answer compare with the information …
Once the crew get Marley to the ambulance his condition continues to deteriorate. You call ahead to the hospital. What would you say to summarise what has happened so far? …
The crew have reassessed Marley and he has deteriorated. In particular he has now moved from V to P on the AVPU score. They have decide that it is more …
Okay, so let’s look at the decision to give the nebuliser. We have heard that there is wheeze on one side of the chest, but no other features to suggest …
Now we see the paramedics decide to give Marley a nebuliser. What do you think about this decision? Do you think the nebuliser will help? How would you describe this …
The crew decide that it is more likely that he is suffering from a chest infection and that this is causing his symptoms. They have recognised that he fits the …
When assessing a child with abdominal pain, as with any medical problem in children, you need to take a detailed history and then look at the physical signs; putting these …
In this short clip, we sees the paramedics arriving at the scene where there is a poorly looking Marley. Unfazed by the access issues, the paramedics perform an initial assessment …
So our patient Chloe appears to be pretty well. She has a history of abdominal pain but when she is examined is not showing any signs of an acute abdomen. …
Illness is common in children. If you take your average 2-year-old who attends nursery, 5 or 6 episodes of viral illness a year is not unusual. However much we as …