Watch this video in which the dyslexic students you were acquainted with last week talk about their foreign language learning experiences. As you watch, try to answer the following questions: …
Watch this video and take notes about the difficulties dyslexic students mention in the following areas in their academic and private lives: reading spelling attention span time management and organisation …
In this interview Professor Kate Cain from Lancaster University explains the processes of reading comprehension, the difficulties children can have with understanding written texts and how parents and teachers can …
In this video Judit Kormos discusses the effect of dyslexia on foreign language learning. Before you watch this video, please download the diagram which you will find in the Downloads …
Watch this four minute video that was prepared in the framework of the Dystefl project and follow the steps to complete the task. The pace of the video is deliberately …
In this short video Margaret Crombie demonstrates how dyslexic students can use visualisation techniques to memorise vocabulary in another language. Her examples come from French, but can be easily applied …
Refer back to what you learned about the nature of dyslexia last week. Can you answer the following questions: Should students with specific learning differences learn foreign or additional languages? …
In this video Dr Anne Margaret Smith discusses how language teachers might spot signs of learning difficulties in the language classroom. Identifying learning difficulties among multilingual speakers especially if no …