In this video, Alex discusses how a roadmap of a product plan creates the appearance of certainty, but that there is a real need for strategic direction, focus, and for …
In this video, Alex discusses techniques on how to become a stronger interdisciplinary collaborator, making sessions more productive as you scale up existing products. Reflect on a past or current …
In this video, Alex talks about ways to meet with your team without having a formal meeting. He recommends daily standups to share project visibility. Take a moment to think …
In this video, Alex interviews Natsta Root, project manager at Google, about her role of being a growth product manager. In her role of Growth PM, she tries to increase …
In this video, Alex discusses managing a channel or modality, which is managing a specific experience. The growth PM is a good example of a product manager in this position. …
In this video, Alex interviews Jim Rose, CEO of CircleCI, on continuous integration and delivery. Alex asks Jim to describe the concept of continuous integration and continuous deployment to a …
In this video, Alex interviews Jim Rose, CEO of CircleCI, on continuous integration and delivery. Alex asks Jim to describe the concept of continuous integration and continuous deployment to a …
In this video, Alex interviews Andrew Kritzer, lead product manager at BookMD and former product manager for LinkedIn, about data science in business. Andrew talks about moving from the role …
In this video, Alex discusses applying data science to improve an existing product. One advantage of an existing product over a new product is the large amount of data that …
In this video, Alex discusses applying data science to improve an existing product. One advantage of an existing product over a new product is the large amount of data that …
In this video, Alex interviews Eric Qi Dong, former product manager of, on disciplined analytics for the product manager. Eric provides broad questions to ask to help you get …
In this video, Alex talks about how the product manager can use analytics. He says that a key step is to marry your qualitative and your quantitative understanding, and iterate …
In this video, Alex discusses different ways to reach an idea that is good enough to start moving forward, including fake features and concierge features. He stresses that these steps …
In this video, Alex talks about problems an organization may encounter when launching a new feature. He says that a product manager may think, “the products have been successful so …