Terms like ‘ideal mental health’ and ‘normal’ are not without problems and can be the source of disagreement. This can be seen in the fact that the way we view ‘norms’ …
In this activity, you will see that norms are not what they seem and the concept of ‘abnormality’ can be problematic when considering mental health issues. So, in this activity …
Next week we will cover a range of topics that will include how we diagnose a mental illness. In this we will delve into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of …
During this week we have covered a range of topics and learned more about how we think about and define mental health issues. Mental health is a broad area that …
One reason why mental health issues are so difficult to define is that a person living with them may display many different symptoms. A consequence of this is that symptoms …
How we define mental illness is important as this is how we categorise individuals. We often talk about ‘mental health’ when we are in fact referring to ‘mental ill health’ …
The best way to think about how to define mental illness is to think about what is meant by the term ‘mental health’. A definition that is commonly used by …
So far we have looked at myths and misconceptions about people with mental health issues, now let’s explore what experts have to say about the issue. How do we define …
Mental health issues cover a broad range of categories and affect people in very different ways. There are many misconceptions and myths about mental health which influence our perception of …
You will notice that this course uses terminology that not everybody may be comfortable using. This includes: Abnormality Mental illness Disorder These are used by clinical experts (APA 2013) when …
This course has a big question. The big question provides a focus for your learning in the course and helps you think about what you will need to learn. The …
This short introduction allows you to meet Lucy Anacleto, the tutor behind the course who will explain why mental health is such an important subject to study further. The video …