The importance of a well documented post mortem report is essential in any criminal case. Watch Dr Cordner and Dr Jagadeesh Narayanareddy explain the importance of detailed documentation during medical …
Can cause of death be conclusively determined by forensic pathologists? What may lead to incorrect conclusions about cause of death? Explore the answers to these questions with Dr Cordner in …
What are the challenges in identification of injuries? What are artefacts and how do they mimic disease and injury? Can forensic pathologists reliably age injuries? In this video, let us …
Having discussed the various issues with the validity and reliability of bite mark evidence, Dr Bassed and Dr Tarvadi discuss how experts can testify in cases relating to bite marks. …
Can the absence of injuries rule out sexual violence? Are injuries possible in consensual sexual acts? Consequently, can medical examination determine consent? These are some critical questions which arise during …
Can medical examination determine the timing of a sexual offence? What role do detection of sperm, injuries or sexual transmitted infections play in this process? What factors contribute to their …
In this lesson, Dr Cordner explains the different types of injuries and how they are caused. As you watch the video, recall the types of injuries that you see in …
In this video, Dr Jagadeesh Narayanareddy explains if medical examination can determine if rape has been committed. This lesson also deals with the myth surrounding the rupture of hymen during …
In this lesson, Dr Cordner explores the various stages of decomposition and the concept of time since death. As you watch the video, reflect on the limitations of determining time …
In this video, Dr Tarvadi and Dr Bassed discuss the various methods of bite mark analysis and their limitations. In the comments section below, tell us if you have seen …
In this video, Dr Cordner will guide you through the aims of the autopsy/post mortem examination and the various steps that are followed during this process. As you watch the …
With respect to bite marks on skin, two factors further complicate the process of bite mark comparison. First, skin is a poor medium for registration of bite marks. Second, photography …
How does photography of bite marks lead to further unreliability in bite mark analysis and comparison? Watch Dr Bassed and Dr Tarvadi discuss the challenges with photography of bite mark …
Does the discipline of bite mark comparison have a valid scientific foundation? Dr Bassed and Dr Tarvadi examine this question by challenging the assumptions on which bite mark comparison is …