What’s it like to be a classifier? Load up the segment-challenge.arff dataset and examine the class values. Then choose the UserClassifier, a tree classifier. (If you can’t see it under …
Before we begin, you need to learn a little bit more about Weka. Weka has hundreds of different classifiers and scores of filtering algorithms. To simplify the interface, when you …
You’ll be asking what kind of problems might be addressed? What kind of input do you need about the problem? What kind of output can you expect from a data …
For successful data mining you must “know your data”; examine it in detail in every possible way. Weka’s Visualize panel lets you look at a dataset and select different attributes …
Weka include many filters that can be used before invoking a classifier to clean up the dataset, or alter it in some way. Filters help with data preparation. For example, …
A classifier identifies an instance’s class, based on a training set of data. Weka makes it very easy to build classifiers. There are many different kinds, and here we use …
The glass dataset is a more realistic dataset with 214 instances and 10 attributes. Each instance represents a piece of glass, and its class is the type of the glass. …
Key concepts when talking about datasets are instances, attributes, and the class (which is conventionally the last attribute). Attributes can be nominal or numeric (there are also other types). In …
Here’s how to load a dataset into the Weka Explorer interface, and look around it to see what’s there. It’s a tiny “toy” dataset, but all these operations work equally …
Here’s how to download the Weka data mining workbench and install it on your own computer. For future convenience, create a shortcut to the program and put it somewhere handy …
In the following video Ian downloads and installs the Weka system – and encourages you to do the same. (Note: Depending on your computer and system version, you may need …
(A full index to the course appears at the end of Week 1.) TOPIC Step Datasets Breast-cancer 4.9, 4.14 Cpu 4.4, 4.5 Cpu.with.vendor 4.5 Credit-g 4.12 …
(A full index to the course appears at the end of Week 1.) Topic Step Datasets Diabetes 2.11, 2.12, 2.16 Glass 2.13 Iris 2.13, 2.15 Segment-challenge/test …