Cities across the world are facing unprecedented challenges posed by climate change, unsustainable development and a global pandemic. To this we can add burgeoning inequality, urbanisation pressures, divisive politics, and …
A values-based approach is another way to embed sustainability. The European Green Deal is being brought to life through a place-based approach that aims to develop beautiful, sustainable and inclusive …
Ethical cities and sustainability at the local level: let’s bring it all together. The big question we set out to answer at the beginning of this course was: ‘How can …
Much of the work with assessment is in analysing what really needs to be measured. A longitudinal, city-specific assessment Ethical cities involve a combination of processes, outcomes, structures, agency and …
Progressive cities are promoting a diverse range of ethically informed approaches to urbanism, such as community wealth building, basic income initiatives, participatory budgeting and citizen assemblies. In this video, Brendan …
These articles are from the online course:
Creating Ethical and Sustainable Cities at the Local Level
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