Dear learners, you have come to the end of this course. Have you noticed how much you have learned, and how many issues are involved in these two simple question: …
Although we hope that better/clearer information translates into healthier habits and choices by consumers, is this really the case? Dr. Hoffmann from TellSpec leads a Company that also works on …
Research on novel materials – and research in general – is conducted by several subjects: – On the public side, research is done at universities, research institutes, engineer and polytechnical …
Plastics represent the most wide-ranging materials used for food packaging and kitchenware. In many cases they have replaced other traditional materials but they have also added a myriad of novel …
A glossary of terms and concepts Biodegradable are materials which can be naturally degraded by biological mechanisms into carbon dioxide, water and/or methane, thus entering the carbon cycle and leaving …
Packaging materials Ceramics Ceramics are made from natural materials such as clay, quartz and kaolin. Although these are considered inert, they may be contaminated with heavy metals and other inorganic …
Fertilization, also known as insemination, fecundation and impregnation, is the fusion of two gametes – male and female – to initiate the development of a new organism of the same …
Week 4 was dedicated to exploring the methods and strategy – and pitfalls – of research aiming to find technological solutions to the issues of chemical migration into foods/drinks. There …
Previously, we have mentioned studies based on environmental, zoological and ecological analyses, that indicate that animal wildlife is subjected to non-natural effects such as intersex, altered sexual maturation and fertility, …
Week 2 was dedicated to migrating chemicals and their suspected action on our hormonal health. You have learned about chemical analyses, how these can be used to determine that some …
About hormones and the endocrine system. Endocrine cells. Cells specialized in producing and then secreting a hormone, at the right time and in the right amount. Feedback. The mutual regulation …
Epidemiology indicates some negative trends in global health that have to do with our endocrine system. And the general impression is that we need to be concerned and act fast …
Regulations exist and all subjects must follow You learned about various chemicals present in food, their origin and properties. The term chemical is neither bad or good. Although some people …
How and why we should use a certain cell test or animal test when investigating on chemicals present in our foods/drinks? First of all, each one has advantages and disadvantages, …
A significant discovery The discovery of endocrine-disrupting chemicals – or EDCs – is one of the most significant scientific achievements in the last century. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined …