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Planning learning opportunities

Please watch this video where Professor Rodrigues discusses key issues for supervisors to consider in planning learning opportunities for students and trainees in the workplace. How do you plan learning …

The value of inter-professional education

Please watch this video where Professor Lindqvist discusses the value of interprofessional education and why this is so important in providing effective patient care. What is your experience of IPE? …

Inter-professional education

The Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE) defines this as learning that “occurs when two or more professions learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration …

Creating an environment conducive to learning

The ideal learning environment would have the following characteristics: (i) Learning culture in the workplace: a culture where learners are valued and feel safe to learn, and progress to achieve …

Meet the team

In this step you can find out a little more about the team behind this course. The course team will be facilitating the discussions, so it might be a good …