Alexander Fleming, Howard Florey and Ernst Chain were awarded the Nobel prize in 1945 for the discovery of Penicillin, the world’s first broad-spectrum antibiotic. Very early in the discovery, they …
Now it’s your chance to test your skills as a disease detective. Over the past 9 months there have been six cases of a rare respiratory pathogen in a hospital. …
In this video we hear from Catherine Ludden about her research into possible links between bacteria from farm animals and humans. In Comments, share what was of interest to you …
Infectious diseases can spread quickly in a hospital environment, particularly if the pathogen that causes the disease is resistant to the drugs relied on to fight it. Genomics might be …
In this video, Daryl Domman discusses his research with Josie. Daryl is a researcher studying the evolution and transmission of cholera. In this video, we will learn how Daryl uses …
Many of you will have heard of the Black Death, it was one of the biggest pandemics in human history and it was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. Amazingly, …
Phylogenetic trees of bacteria are built using molecular data, often using gene sequences or whole genomes. When investigating a possible outbreak, the phylogeny can be used to explore the evolutionary …
Phylogenetic trees are depictions of the estimated evolutionary relationships between taxa – these can be organisms, species, strains or even genes. Phylogenetic trees can be used to define relationships between …
In this video, Josie interviews Julian Parkhill about different molecular typing methods, including whole-genome sequencing. They discuss the benefits and drawbacks of different typing methods, and the difference that having …
To understand outbreaks of disease, it is essential to know whether or not different cases are caused by the same infectious agent. Many different typing methods are available to do …