Let’s think about what you might do next If you would like to find out more and investigate some of the themes here in more detail, we’ve put together a …
We hope you enjoyed studying about the men who fought at Dunbar, and we would love to hear your thoughts about our course. You will receive a short end of …
The text below was kindly written by Dr Emily Murphy, Curator of Saugus Iron Works National Historic Site. It is included here with her permission and courtesy of the US …
Battlefields are significant heritage assets which, if properly promoted and protected, can provide a sense of place, cultural experiences, and economic benefit through tourism. Arran Johnston, of the Scottish Battlefields …
Four years after the skeletons were first identified by archaeologists during construction work on Palace Green, the site of their burial is commemorated and the human remains have now been …
The exhibition at Palace Green Library during the summer of 2018 was on show for four months. The story being told in Durham had attracted strong national and global attention …
A logical progression from the discovery of the mass graves on the library site in Durham was that the story should be told in an exhibition. As you have already …
In 1886, the very same year that Gow painted his famous picture, a poem by Sarah Orne Jewett was published on the other side of the Atlantic. ‘York Garrison: 1640’ …
In 1886 British painter Andrew Carrick Gow (1848-1920) painted a famous reconstruction of Oliver Cromwell before his men at Dunbar. Gow specialised in scenes from British and European history, several …
As we have seen, contemporary sources for the Dunbar story are scattered through various archives; the most important of these were written or dictated by Oliver Cromwell, the victor on …
Re-enactments of historical events are nothing new. In 1839, as a mania for medieval revival swept through British culture, aristocrats and gentry paraded in medieval armour at the Eglinton Tournament. …
In this video The Brothers Gillespie sing one of their songs inspired by the discovery of the Scottish soldiers. You can find the lyrics on the PDF below. Archaeology and …
As we have seen, the Scottish soldiers’ story is not confined to north-east England and south-east Scotland. There is potential to explore some of the themes it raises to a …
Co-created in partnership with Durham University’s Archaeology Department in 2018, Woven Bones brought to life the untold stories of the Scottish soldiers in the theatre. This Cap-a-Pie production, written by …
The discovery of the human remains near Durham Cathedral in November 2013 did not uncover the story of the Dunbar prisoners for the first time. Far from it, the story …