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A new novel test in practice: a clinical trial

In 2015 a paper, “Randomised Trial of Rapid Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Blood Culture Identification and Susceptibility Testing” by Banerjee et al, was published detailing the results of a clinical …

Diagnosing the cause of Bill’s infections

Watch Bill’s clinical scenario (or read the transcript in downloads below) and address these three questions: Do you think that getting to know which micro organisms are causing Bill’s symptoms …

Balancing measures

In this video Dr Jacqueline Sneddon reflects on the importance of considering how balancing measures reflect what may be happening elsewhere in a system as a result of the improvement …

Feedback of measurement information

This week we have considered how to collect both quantitative and qualitative information about antibiotic prescribing and how it may be fed back to various healthcare professionals – the purpose …

Maggie Heginbothom, Public Health Wales

In this video Maggie Heginbothom, Public Health Wales, describes the value of PPS to a national stewardship programme and how they can be used to compare within or between countries.

Using prescribing quality indicators

We will now consider how to use the quantitative data on patterns of antibiotic use along with the information about quality of antibiotic use to develop prescribing indicators to drive …

Measuring the quality of antimicrobial use

Point Prevalence Survey (PPS) data. We have looked at ways to measure the quantity of antibiotics used but how can the quality of prescribing be measured? Remember we need to …

Outbreak scenario exercise

Here is another short exercise. Look at the data on use of meropenem or third generation cephalosporins in Dunswood Hospital featured in the outbreak scenario. What does this show? Could …

What about the denominator?

Now watch this very short video clip on the importance of choosing an appropriate denominator. So far we have considered the way to measure the volume of antibiotic use, but …

What are the alternatives to DDD?

One of the more commonly used alternatives to DDDs is the Days of Therapy (DOT). One DOT represents the administration of a single antibiotic on a given day regardless of …