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Describing resistance

Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values describe the susceptibility of a specific bacterium to a specific antibiotic. If the concentration of antibiotic required to inhibit growth exceeds a certain level, the …

How we reached current resistance

In this video Dr Mike Cooper, consultant microbiologist and infection control doctor, explains how we have reached the current crisis of resistance.

Introduction to resistance

As we begin to explore and learn more about antimicrobial stewardship our initial focus in Week 1 is going to be on the topic of resistance. While the topic of …

Is antimicrobial resistance a global problem?

The damaging effects of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are already manifesting themselves across the world. Antimicrobial-resistant infections currently claim at least 50,000 lives each year across Europe and the US alone, …


In this video Professor Dilip Nathwani welcomes you to the course. As a practicing infectious diseases physician, Professor Nathwani has a key interest in antimicrobial stewardship. He leads a national …

Meet the educators

Each week of the course has been developed by specialists in their field. The overall lead for the course is Professor Dilip Nathwani, OBE who is an infectious diseases physician …

A quick win strategy from South Africa

In this video Dr. Adrian Brink introduces a strategy implemented in 47 hospitals in South Africa (a resource limited setting) to improve antibiotic prescribing using the AS techniques that have …

Google hangout

Dr Barlow and Mr Gilchrist will record a hangout Q & A session on 2nd June which will be made available for you to watch later that day. How can …


Until now, when thinking or talking about stewardship, we often use terms such as “restricted”, “restrictive” or “restriction” as discussed in Step 2.17 and Step 2.18. At the UK’s Federation …

Some ideas on how and where to start

In Step 2.3 and Step 2.4 some antibiotic stewardship issues from the scenario video were identified and discussed. In this article we have revisited some of these issues and linked …

How Dr Barlow and Mr Gilchrist started

In this video, taken from a longer discussion, Dr Gavin Barlow and Mr Mark Gilchrist explain where they both started with antimicrobial stewardship in their hospitals. The full video is …