Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values describe the susceptibility of a specific bacterium to a specific antibiotic. If the concentration of antibiotic required to inhibit growth exceeds a certain level, the …
Learning through this online course is a social activity and we hope you will share and discuss your ideas and comments by using the discussion steps. Also you can join …
As we begin to explore and learn more about antimicrobial stewardship our initial focus in Week 1 is going to be on the topic of resistance. While the topic of …
The damaging effects of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) are already manifesting themselves across the world. Antimicrobial-resistant infections currently claim at least 50,000 lives each year across Europe and the US alone, …
In this video Professor Dilip Nathwani welcomes you to the course. As a practicing infectious diseases physician, Professor Nathwani has a key interest in antimicrobial stewardship. He leads a national …
Each week of the course has been developed by specialists in their field. The overall lead for the course is Professor Dilip Nathwani, OBE who is an infectious diseases physician …
In this video Dr. Adrian Brink introduces a strategy implemented in 47 hospitals in South Africa (a resource limited setting) to improve antibiotic prescribing using the AS techniques that have …
Until now, when thinking or talking about stewardship, we often use terms such as “restricted”, “restrictive” or “restriction” as discussed in Step 2.17 and Step 2.18. At the UK’s Federation …
So far we have considered why measurement of antibiotic use is a cornerstone of any antimicrobial stewardship programme and in particular why measuring antibiotic use can help to improve the …
In Step 2.3 and Step 2.4 some antibiotic stewardship issues from the scenario video were identified and discussed. In this article we have revisited some of these issues and linked …
In this video, taken from a longer discussion, Dr Gavin Barlow and Mr Mark Gilchrist explain where they both started with antimicrobial stewardship in their hospitals. The full video is …