In this step we introduce you to another quick win which you may find useful and there are more available in “downloads”. Introduction of alcohol based hand rub in a …
In this final video Dr Chandy explains how the data was calculated, how the data was displayed and what it showed. You may also like to consider the following questions: …
In order to contain and rationalise antibiotic use, antibiotic policy guidelines were introduced in the hospital at various times during the period 2002 to 2010. The time segments during which …
In this video Dr Sujith Chandy introduces you to his quick win from India which will outline the use of medicines in low and middle income countries (LMIC), such as …
Antibiotics in this hospital’s formulary were dispensed from various dispensing sections within the hospital after purchase with a prescription. The prescriptions came from various departments ranging from broad specialties to …
You can implement AS activities successfully in a variety of geographical and socio-economic settings including small community hospitals. One of the major challenges in this South African example of a …
To facilitate measurement and feedback a “low-hanging fruit” toolkit, consisting of an Excel-based standardised measurement template/tool, was developed and launched in July 2012 for the five interventions. Part of the …
Watch the video with Ms Angeliki Messina, the Quality Leadership Project Manager for this South African AS initiative, as she explains the value of her role in co-ordinating data collection, …
To ensure the intervention would be successful the following also occurred during implementation: Formalisation of measurable AS goals for the group, which consisted of a sustainable reduction in overall antibiotic …
Watch the second video with Dr Adrian Brink and Dr Dena van den Berg as she explains the five “low-hanging fruit” chosen for their intervention: Whether cultures were performed prior …
In Week 3 you were introduced to PDSA cycles, DDDs, outcome and process measures and in Week 5 Prof Peter Davey explained the Model for Improvement. This AS programme was …
In this video Dr. Adrian Brink introduces a strategy implemented in 47 hospitals in South Africa (a resource limited setting) to improve antibiotic prescribing using the AS techniques that have …
The data shown in the introductory video to this quick win indicated the overuse and inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics throughout South Africa. In this video Dr. Brink begins to explore …
Watch this video in which Dr Nick Barber interviews Dr Michael Borg and they discuss cultural barriers to change. Dr Nick Barber is Director of Research for The Health Foundation, …