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The 7th National Audit Project

In this article, Dr Ben Stretch summarises the key finding related to airway management from the 7th National Audit Project (NAP7) of the Royal College of Anaesthetists that looked at …

Completion of Pre-Hospital Airway Matters

You have now reached the end of Pre-Hospital Airway Matters – we hope you have enjoyed the course! Pre-hospital care requires teamwork across services and professions and is only one …

Pre-Hospital Airway Management & COVID 19

In this article Lara Hammond (KSS HEMS Paramedic) and Julian Wijesuriya (KSS HEMS Doctor) outline the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for pre-hospital airway management. They discuss the pre-hospital use …

In-Cabin Airway Management

So far in the course there has been a focus on having 360 degree patient access and adequate space for interventions. Undertaking airway management in the relatively confined space of …


In recent years videolaryngoscopy (VL) has become increasingly common practice in hospital settings, but does it have a role in the pre-hospital environment? In this interview Jo Griggs (KSS HEMS …

Undetected Oesophageal Intubation

In this video edited by Dr Helena Smith, Prof Tim Cook talks about safety issues that were highlighted in the tragic case of Glenda Logsdail, who sadly died from unrecognised …

Pre-hospital Airway Equipment

The kit & equipment carried by pre-hospital teams must be fit for purpose, meet national guideline requirements and reflect the team’s scope of practice. In this step, Julian Wijesuriya (KSS …

The RSI Kit Dump

In the step Lara Hammond (KSS HEMS Paramedic) and Julian Wijesuriya (KSS HEMS Doctor) describe the principles and practice of setting up a standardised RSI kit dump for pre-hospital emergency …

Intra-Arrest Airway Management

Intra-arrest airway management is time-critical and challenging. Patients need urgent intervention yet are often unfavourably positioned and team dynamics can be tested by the urgency of the situation and emotional …


In this step Ros Perring (Anaesthetic Registrar, UCLH) and Julian Wijesuriya (KSS HEMS Doctor) go into some more details regarding the physiological principles and practice of pre-oxygenation in the pre-hospital …

Meet The Team

Pre-hospital Airway Matters has been made possible thanks to a collaboration between University College London (UCL), University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and Kent Surrey Sussex Air Ambulance Charity (KSS) The …

Difficult and Failed Airway Drills

In this video Eyston Vaughan-Huxley (KSS HEMS Doctor) and Ben Clarke (KSS HEMS Paramedic) demonstrate protocolised strategies to manage difficult or failed airway scenarios in the pre-hospital setting. This video …

Pre-Hospital RSI Part II

In this step, we will continue our RSI scenario video. In this part, we will see the RSI checklist in action, a standardised approach to intubation and post-intubation care. Post-Video …

Pre-Hospital RSI Part I

In the next couple of steps we will bring together our learning so far using an RSI scenario video. In this first part we will see initial patient assessment and …