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(A full index to the course appears at the end of Week 1.) Topic   Step Datasets anneal 5.5, 5.7, 5.11, 5.15   balance-scale 5.8, 5.10, 5.11, 5.15   bodyfat …

Datasets and scripts

IDRC Shootout challenge: Information Dataset 1: calibration; test Dataset 2: calibration; test Datasets: anneal.train.arff anneal.unlbl.arff balance-scale.arff Before running the following scripts you will need to install the kfGroovy package using …

Do it yourself!

To set up Python with Weka you first need to install Python, and then install the python-weka-wrapper library for Python. You will probably need admin access to your computer for …

How can you script Weka?

Have you found that repeatedly executing the same or similar tasks through an interactive interface like the Weka Explorer can become tedious? Scripts are programs that automate the execution of …

Datasets and scripts

Here are the datasets and scripts used in the preceding video. Datasets: balance-scale.arff bodyfat.arff Plot the errors made by LinearRegression: Display multiple ROC curves, one for each class: …


Thanks for taking this course. We hope you’ve enjoyed it. We’ve introduced you to some more advanced topics in practical data mining, following on from Data Mining with Weka and …

Datasets and scripts

Here are the datasets and scripts used in the preceding video. The anneal dataset: anneal.arff (the full dataset) anneal_train.arff (used in the third script for training) anneal_unlbl.arff (used in the …

Do it yourself!

First install two packages using the Package Manager: the tigerjython package the jfreechartOffscreenRenderer package Then create an environment variable called MOOC_DATA that points to your Weka data files folder: On …


(A full index to the course appears at the end of Week 1.) Topic   Step Datasets butterfly_vs_owl 4.14   hypothyroid 4.5, 4.7, 4.8, 4.10, 4.12, 4.13   iris 4.6 …


(A full index to the course appears at the end of Week 1.) Topic   Step Datasets cpu 3.13   diabetes 3.9, 3.12, 3.13   Functional MRI data 3.16, 3.17 …


(A full index to the course appears at the end of Week 1.) Topic   Step Datasets Forest cover type (covtypeNorm) 2.3, 2.9, 2.12   labelled_tweets 2.12   NSW Electricity …

Random Forest performance

The performance of Random Forest does tend to improve with more trees, but only up to a point. We found in the preceding Quiz that performance increases from 100 to …

How do you access R from Weka?

How do you access R from Weka? Well, what is R anyway? And why is it important? And what can you do with it? Questions abound. Now for the answers.