(A full index to the course appears at the end of Week 1.) Topic Step Datasets anneal 5.5, 5.7, 5.11, 5.15 balance-scale 5.8, 5.10, 5.11, 5.15 bodyfat …
IDRC Shootout challenge: Information Dataset 1: calibration; test Dataset 2: calibration; test Datasets: anneal.train.arff anneal.unlbl.arff balance-scale.arff Before running the following scripts you will need to install the kfGroovy package using …
To set up Python with Weka you first need to install Python, and then install the python-weka-wrapper library for Python. You will probably need admin access to your computer for …
Have you found that repeatedly executing the same or similar tasks through an interactive interface like the Weka Explorer can become tedious? Scripts are programs that automate the execution of …
Here are the datasets and scripts used in the preceding video. Datasets: balance-scale.arff bodyfat.arff Plot the errors made by LinearRegression: crossvalidate_classifier-error-bubbles.py Display multiple ROC curves, one for each class: display_roc-multiple.py …
Thanks for taking this course. We hope you’ve enjoyed it. We’ve introduced you to some more advanced topics in practical data mining, following on from Data Mining with Weka and …
Here are the datasets and scripts used in the preceding video. The anneal dataset: anneal.arff (the full dataset) anneal_train.arff (used in the third script for training) anneal_unlbl.arff (used in the …
First install two packages using the Package Manager: the tigerjython package the jfreechartOffscreenRenderer package Then create an environment variable called MOOC_DATA that points to your Weka data files folder: On …
How might one come up with a solution like the one in the final question of the preceding Quiz? Here are some comments from Peter, our expert data miner, who …
(A full index to the course appears at the end of Week 1.) Topic Step Datasets butterfly_vs_owl 4.14 hypothyroid 4.5, 4.7, 4.8, 4.10, 4.12, 4.13 iris 4.6 …
(A full index to the course appears at the end of Week 1.) Topic Step Datasets Forest cover type (covtypeNorm) 2.3, 2.9, 2.12 labelled_tweets 2.12 NSW Electricity …
Of course, the answer is “yes”! The question is, how? There are several ways. For example, the Experimenter contains its own mechanism for distributing an experiment over many machines. (To …
The performance of Random Forest does tend to improve with more trees, but only up to a point. We found in the preceding Quiz that performance increases from 100 to …