Who are the patients at risk of domestic violence, and what are the signs and symptoms that we should look for? Spend a few minutes watching this interview with Dr …
In the video above, Professor Johan Galtung defines direct, structural and cultural violence. One way to understand violence is to categorise it into these three different forms (direct, structural and …
In the video above, Professor Johan Galtung describes violence as the unnecessary insult of basic needs. Basic needs are requirements for living which are shared by all human beings: Survival …
Congratulations on completing the Medical Peace Work course! During the last three weeks and three topics we tried to illustrate what Medical Peace Work is. Having completed the course, you …
Several of the questions we have discussed are country-specific, but there are always some general principles worth mentioning. Here are some inputs from us on the questions that were discussed: …
The Istanbul Protocol (1999) is a tool for accurate and detailed documentation of torture. The medico-legal reports produced using this tool can be used to support asylum procedures, hold perpetrators …
Mrs. Peace Abilowale After I saw the doctor at Brick Lane, I was moved to Middlesbrough. I did not know what was happening. I thought I was being taken back …
There are a number of human rights frameworks and international and domestic laws which are legally-binding and prohibit the use of torture. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) is …
Doctors and nurses are often the first to witness the devastating effects of torture. They play an indispensable role in its investigation and documentation. However, health services are generally not …
Here is some advice: Give the patient time to open up Use a professional interpreter so that the patient may get an opportunity to properly explain what he/she has been …
How do you think the experience of disclosing information about her experience of torture, and being examined, will affect Mrs. Abilowale? How do you think health professionals might try to …
As there are multiple forms of torture, there are also multiple symptoms that can indicate that a patient has been subjected to torture: a) Skin – wounds, scars, burns (e.g. …
The next time Mrs. Abilowale visits the practice she gets an appointment with Dr. Quereshi. What do you think of Dr Qureshi’s response to the fact that she suspects her …
What symptoms or signs in a patient should make you as a health professional alert to the possibility that a patient may have experienced torture? The symptoms and signs of …
From the way she is reacting both verbally and non-verbally, Mrs. Abilowale is expressing that she has a number of concerns and health problems that she would like to discuss …