Now that you have seen some of the stages that you should go through when embarking on a research project, we will finish this week by giving you the chance …
As this might be your first time studying with Coventry University, we’ve put together a few tips to help you get the most out of the experience. Comments FutureLearn is …
Coventry University believes that a good student experience is central to learning at a world-class standard. To reflect our success we were recently awarded the title of University of the …
How does management research impact organisational practice? This is a question that has long concerned researchers who have developed expertise on different features of organisations and who analyse to identify …
In this step, we will look at the implications of formulating a hypothesis in your research. This is important because, as with all research, this choice represents certain assumptions and …
This step takes a slightly different approach to the issue of research questions by looking at research hypotheses. Taking this approach does not mean you need to re-formulate your topic …
Research questions are often considered more important than a research objective because they allow the researcher to refine their focus in more detail. They also provide the whole research with …
An essential part of the research process is the translation of your research problem into a specific research aim or objective. The Research Methodology Let’s start by reflecting on the …
You should be starting this week with an emerging set of ideas about your research topic. Don’t worry if you have not made a final decision yet – this is …
Let’s review the different activities we have completed over the week. In the first set of activities, we explored themes around the importance of research and how it is used. …
This article discusses research impact which is a key theme in the research process. This is encapsulated in something referred to as the ‘so what?’ question. This means that at …
How to identify topics and research problems A route to identifying appropriate topics and research problems is to reflect on wider social, economic, political, legal, technological and environmental trends to …
In the last step, we suggested that one way of identifying your research problem was to consider the level at which the problem resonated – is this a more localised …
Did you know that Amazon Prime was the brainchild of a manager by the name of Charlie Ward who submitted an idea via a version of an employee suggestion box? …
As you embark on your research, you will learn lots of terminology. Each term represents subtle yet important distinctions between the type of research that is undertaken and, as we …