Mark Lester joins the 16th Annual National MEITAL Conference
The MEITAL annual conference is a national gathering of learning technologies professionals in higher education. It will take place in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on July 2nd, 2018 and the focus this year is on “Learning technologies in higher education: Trends and Directions”.
As part of the conference, Mark Lester, Director of Business Partnerships at FutureLearn will give a talk on the future of higher education from his FutureLearn perspective.
The conference is organised by MEITAL, the Israeli Center for Learning Technologies, a non-profit consortium established by Israeli higher education universities and academic colleges. Its goal is to assist Israeli institutions of higher education in integrating new learning technologies.
The conference program focuses on the achievements and challenges of integrating and advancing digital learning technologies in higher education, and the trends that are shaping the future of this field both in Israel and globally. The conference will include integrating e-learning in academic instruction, poster exhibitions and sponsor exhibitions.