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FutureLearn Scholarships 2021 Terms & Conditions

Description of the FutureLearn Scholarships

Main Scholarship

The 4 applicants who are judged to have submitted the best application will each receive:

  1. 1. £4,000 (GBP) of learning credit to be used on courses on the website or directly with the Open University. The credit can be used on any courses where the scholar meets the course eligibility criteria;
  2. 2. £1,000 (GBP) to use towards home study, specialist learning tools, or equipment to help support the scholar’s further study; and
  3. 3. 8 hours of free mentorship or career coaching from professionals or experts within the fields of Teaching, Sustainability, Technology and Coding and Healthcare.

Runner-Up Scholarship

The 100 best runner-up applications will be awarded:

A One (1) year “FutureLearn Unlimited” subscription available on the website.

Each a “Scholarship” and together the “Scholarships

All Scholarship benefits will end within 12 months of the date the winners are announced.

How to enter:

  1. Submit your Scholarship application form by providing FutureLearn with (i) your first and second name; (ii) your Date of Birth (iii) where you are located; and (iv) your email address.
  2. Submit answers to three (3) questions in the application form.
  3. Submit a personal statement of up to 300 words covering the topics stated in the application form.
  4. If shortlisted for one of the Main Scholarships, we will send you interview questions and ask you to create and submit a video response. 


Terms & Conditions

These Terms & Conditions apply to all applicants for the FutureLearn 2021/2022 Scholarships with FutureLearn Limited (Registered Number 08324083) of 1-11 Hawley Crescent, Camden Town, London, NW1 8NP, United Kingdom (“FutureLearn”).

  1. Eligibility

1.1 You must be over 16 years of age or older on the day you submit your application and must provide FutureLearn with your full name, date of birth and email address. If you are under 18, you must get consent from your parent/guardian before applying.

1.2 You cannot apply for the Scholarships if you are located in a country which is subject to UK, US or Australian trade restrictions.

1.3 You cannot apply for the Scholarships if you are:

  1. an employee of the FutureLearn or its holding or subsidiary companies;
  2. an employee of agents or suppliers of FutureLearn or its holding or subsidiary companies, who are professionally connected with the Scholarship or its administration;
  3. a member of the immediate families or households of (a) and/or (b) above; or
  4. a previous winner or beneficiary of a FutureLearn Scholarship.

1.4 FutureLearn will not accept applications that are automatically generated by a computer, completed in bulk, or incomplete.

1.5 There is a limit of one application per person. Applications on behalf of another person will not be accepted and joint submissions are not allowed.

1.6 In applying for a Scholarship, you confirm that you are eligible to do so and eligible to claim the Scholarship. FutureLearn may require you to provide proof that you are eligible to apply for and claim the Scholarship. This may include proof of age, identity, country of residence and (if applicable) parent/guardian consent.

1.7 FutureLearn reserves all rights to disqualify or refuse your application if your conduct is contrary to the spirit or intention of the Scholarship.


2. How to apply for a Scholarship

2.1 The Scholarship application is open from 09.00 UK time on 13th September 2021 (“Opening Date”) to 18.00 UK time on 30 November 2021(“Closing Date”) inclusive.

2.2 To apply for a Scholarship, applicants must apply online by visiting and submit an online application form before the Closing Date. FutureLearn will not accept applications in any other format nor will it accept any applications received via any other method.

2.3 All applications received after the Closing Date are automatically disqualified.

2.4 No purchase is necessary to apply for a Scholarship.

2.5 FutureLearn will not accept responsibility for Scholarship applications that are lost, delayed or could not be submitted, regardless of cause, including, for example, as a result of any equipment or system failure.

2.6 By submitting an application, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions.

2.7 For help with applications or if you have any questions, please visit ‘Support’ at


3. Selection

3.1 The Scholarship applications will be reviewed by a panel of judges. The judges will be looking for strong motivation and passion for the subject area the applicant hopes to pursue further study in or pursue a career in. The judges will also be looking at how the applicant articulates their passion for learning and what impact they believe their preferred area of study will have in the future.

3.2 The best applicants will be shortlisted by the judges. If you are shortlisted, we will send you interview questions and ask you to create and submit a video response. Your video submission must be submitted to FutureLearn as a WeTransfer of the video by the deadline provided. 

3.3 If you are shortlisted but fail to submit your video submission in accordance with these terms, your application will be disqualified. 

3.4 The judges will decide on the best four applicants after the video submission and they will each be awarded the Main Scholarship. The judges will also select 100 runner-ups, who will be awarded a Runner-up Scholarship.

3.5 The decision of the panel of judges (acting reasonably) will be final.


4. The 2021/2022 FutureLearn Scholarships

4.1 The Main Scholarship is:

  1. 4,000 (GBP) of learning credit to be used on courses on the website or directly with the Open University. The credit can be used on any courses where the scholar meets the course eligibility criteria.
  2. £1,000 (GBP) to use towards home study, specialist learning tools, or equipment to help support the scholar’s further study.
  3. 8 hours of free mentorship or coaching from professionals or experts within the fields of Teaching, Sustainability, Technology and Coding and Healthcare.

4.2 The Runner-Up Scholarship is a free One (1) year “FutureLearn Unlimited” Subscription voucher.

4.3 FutureLearn reserves the right to substitute any Scholarship with an award of equal or greater value.

4.4 The awarding of a Scholarship is not negotiable or transferable.
4.5 All Scholarship benefits will end within 12 months of the Announcement Date.


5. Winners & how you will receive the scholarship

5.1 The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence or discussion will be entered into.

5.2 FutureLearn will publish the full names of the Scholarship winners online at on 7th February 2022 (‘Announcement Date’).

5.3 If you win a Main Scholarship, FutureLearn will ask you to provide proof of age, identity and country of residence. If you win a Main Scholarship and you are under 18, you will also need to provide an email address and telephone number for your parent/guardian, so that FutureLearn can verify that your parent/guardian has consented to your application and discuss arrangements for your receiving the Main Scholarship.

5.4 To claim the Main Scholarship you must comply with the following requirements:

  1. To claim the £4,000 (GBP) of learning credit, you must register as a learner with FutureLearn and accept the website terms and conditions and privacy policy or register with the Open University on the course you want to undertake and accept any applicable terms and conditions. You can only use the learning credit on courses where you meet any course eligibility criteria, and you must use the learning credit within 12 months of the Announcement Date.
  2. To claim the £1,000 (GBP) for home study or specialist learning tools or equipment you must provide FutureLearn with a list of tools or equipment you intend to purchase and an address that FutureLearn can send a prepaid VISA card to. You can then use the prepaid VISA towards the items on your list, with any merchant or supplier that accepts VISA card payment. FutureLearn may request receipts to show proof of purchase. You bear full responsibility for the card once you have received it. If you are 16 or 17, FutureLearn may send the card to your parent/guardian if they request this.
  3. To claim the 8 hours of free mentorship or coaching you must liaise with FutureLearn (appropriate contact details to be provided to the scholar) and provide a selection of dates and time that you would be available to receive the mentorship or coaching from our subject matter experts. FutureLearn will look to meet the dates and times that are most convenient for both the scholar and the subject matter expert. The hours of mentorship or coaching must be agreed within 6 months of the Announcement Date and must take place within 12 months of the Announcement Date, or they will automatically expire. If you are 16 or 17, FutureLearn will check that your parent/guardian is happy with the arrangements, including offering the option to sit in on the mentoring/coaching sessions for safeguarding purposes.

5.5 To claim a Runner-up Scholarship you must register as a learner with FutureLearn, and accept the terms and conditions and privacy policy, both of which are available on the website. You must redeem the voucher within 12 months of the Announcement date.

5.6 FutureLearn will contact winners personally as soon as practicable after the Announcement Date, using the email address provided within the Scholarship application. FutureLearn will not amend any contact information once the Scholarship application form has been submitted.


6. Claiming the Scholarships and Payment

6.1 FutureLearn will make all reasonable efforts to contact the winners of the Scholarships. If a winner cannot be contacted or is not available, or has not claimed their Scholarship within 30 days of the Announcement Date, FutureLearn reserves the right to offer the Scholarship to the next eligible applicant selected from the correct applications that were received before the Closing Date.

6.2 If you are the winner of the Scholarship, you will have 30 days from the Announcement Date to claim the Scholarship by responding with any further information we require. If you do not claim the Scholarship by this date, you will forfeit your claim.

6.3 The Scholarships may not be claimed by a third party on your behalf.

6.4 FutureLearn does not accept any responsibility if you are not able to take up the Scholarship.

6.5 FutureLearn will try to ensure payment or transfer of the Scholarships will be made by 30th April 2022 but will not bear any liability or responsibility if this is delayed.


7. Ownership of the Scholarship applications and intellectual property rights

7.1 You agree that FutureLearn may, but is not required to, publish some or all of your written application answers (on an anonymous basis) on its website, on FutureLearn social media accounts, and/or on any other marketing media in connection with any publicity for the Scholarships. You agree to grant FutureLearn a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable licence, for the full period of any intellectual property rights in the Scholarship application, to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, edit, alter, store, re-format and sub-licence your written application answers for such purposes. For the avoidance of doubt, FutureLearn will not publish video submissions from applicants without seeking separate prior consent. 


8. Data protection and publicity

8.1 You agree by submitting your application that FutureLearn can process the personal information included in your Scholarship application for the following purposes: a) select and inform winners; b) announce winners (as set out in condition 5.2); and c) provide the Scholarships to the winners.

8.2 FutureLearn may invite you to be involved in winner publicity, which may include publishing your image, parts of your video submission,  quotes from you, or creating videos or social media content for publication. This is entirely optional and will be discussed with interested winners after the Announcement Date. If you consent to this, you agree FutureLearn can use and process this further personal information for the purpose of publicising FutureLearn and the Scholarships. If you are 16 or 17, you will need to provide FutureLearn with evidence of parent/guardian consent before being involved in winner publicity.

8.3 If you are successful in your application, we will retain the personal information submitted in connection with your application for the duration of the Scholarship and for such a period after as required for any legal or financial requirements.

8.4 If you are unsuccessful in your application, we will delete the personal information submitted in connection with your application within 2 (two) months of the Announcement Date.

9. General

9.1 If there is any reason to believe that there has been a breach of these terms and conditions, FutureLearn may, at its sole discretion, reserve the right to exclude you from participating in the Scholarship.

9.2 FutureLearn reserves the right to hold void, suspend, cancel, or amend the FutureLearn Scholarships 2021 programme where it becomes necessary to do so.

9.3 These terms and conditions shall be governed by English law, and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

© FutureLearn Limited 2021