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The evolution of parking management

How have policies for parking that serve the public interest and sustainability evolved over time? Paul Barter explains the complexities.
Aerial view of many colorful cars parked on parking lot with lines and markings for parking places and directions. Place for vehicles in front of a strip mall plaza
© Image by bilanol via Envato Elements.
How have policies for parking that serve the public interest and lead to better sustainable transport evolved over time?

Whilst in Singapore Jan met up with Paul Barter, a transport-policy researcher who has lived in Malaysia and Singapore for the last 30 years. He has a unique international perspective on how cities manage parking and the trends in parking management.

Interview with Paul Barter (part 1)

In this video, Paul explains some of the complexities and dilemmas cities are navigating when devising policies for parking as the number of cars proliferate and the demand for parking increases.

This is an additional video, hosted on YouTube.

Paul refers to a vicious cycle in parking management whereby increased parking availability leads to more car usage, exacerbating congestion and pollution.
Conversely, a virtuous cycle where reduced parking availability encourages the use of alternative transportation modes, alleviating congestion and promoting sustainable urban mobility.

Interview with Paul Barter (part 2)

In this video, Paul explores the regulatory approaches associated with these cycles and the experiences of different countries with these cycles.

This is an additional video, hosted on YouTube.

Your task

How would you categorise the parking policies pursued in the city or region where you live or work along the spectrum of approaches outlined by Paul? Is parking a contentious issue in local politics?

© RMIT Europe and EIT Urban Mobility
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Urban dynamics: Spatial Accessibility and Real estate

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