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Build a tower!

Exercise: Building a tower
In the following exercise you will build a tower. The challenge is to build the tallest free-standing tower with limited resources. You can also play this as a team. Its fun, and a deeper learning will be revealed at he end.

  1. Prepare some ingredients:

    * 1 Marshmallow (eat the rest of the bag), 
    * 20 spaghetti,
    * 1 meter of string (wool is good),
    * 1 meter of sticky tape (single side sticky,
    min 10mm wide,
    masking tape (easy to tear).
    Regular Scotch tape is good, too.
  2. Prepare some tools: 1 pair of scissors, 1 measuring tape
  3. Your challenge: use these ingredients to build the tallest free-standing tower. You can play this as a team
  4. The rules:

    • Do not suspend the tower from a taller structure („freestanding“).
    • Entire (!) Marshmallow must be on top of the structure.
    • Use all or parts of the ingredients, either as a whole or cut-up.
    • You have 18 minutes to build!
  5. Play! Its most fun in a competition.
  6. After 18 minutes, measure the size of your structure (if it is still standing!).
  7. Upload a picture of your tower at

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