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TARGET Evaluations and Discussion

TARGET Evaluations and conclusions about TARGET workshops
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© Photo by Alexander Muzenhardt on Unsplash
A randomised control trial with 36 intervention practices found that within usual service provision, TARGET antibiotic workshops can help improve antibiotic use, and therefore should be considered as part of any national antimicrobial stewardship initiatives. Additional local facilitation will be needed to encourage all general practices to participate.

A qualitative evaluation of the TARGET toolkit found that most participants stated that TARGET as a whole was useful and particularly valued the comparison of their practice antibiotic prescribing, and the TARGET Treating Your Infection leaflet.

Whole practice workshop participation could lead to a reduction in antibiotic use, and also, action planning as a whole practice, is essential in seeing a change in antibiotic prescribing. A greater promotion of TARGET, through Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and professional bodies, may improve uptake and local encouragement is required for all general practices to improve antimicrobial stewardship activities.

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TARGET Antibiotics – Prescribing in Primary Care

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