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Get the right people on your team

At some point, you will need to involve others in bringing your idea to life. The people you choose to work with can make or break your success.
Five female employees of sustainable brand Reformation
© Reformation
At some point, you are going to need to involve others in bringing your idea to life. The people you choose to work with can make or break your success – whether it’s a business partner, supplier or someone you contract or employ to help you build your business.

Appropriate skills and knowledge

You shouldn’t try to do everything yourself. Do what you are good at and involve others in the things that don’t come so naturally to you. You may be a great designer but not so good at marketing. Find someone who is good at communicating to work with you. You may be a great entrepreneur but your design or sewing skills are lacking. Find people who can help you realise your product at the best quality it can be. Don’t expect you will be able to do it all.

Enthusiasm and shared values

Ideally, you should try to work with people or organisations that share your core values and principles, especially as a business trying to work sustainably in the fashion industry. It can be ruthless, and you will need to find collaborators who truly believe in your idea. Or at least appreciate and respect that you are a brand with a great purpose. This may seem obvious but it is crucial to your success.


To build a sustainable fashion business, you will need to have a good network. If you’re bringing in others to work alongside you, look for people who are willing to introduce you to their personal or professional connections. Build a base of supporters that champion your work. Your brand champions will bring you new customers, get you noticed or connect you with useful resources.

© Mysource Ltd
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How to Build a Sustainable Fashion Business

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