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Real researcher voices - Karen Nixon

Karen Nixon reflects on her experiences of applying for funding and talks about the lessons she has learnt so far.

In this step and the next step you will hear from real researchers on their experiences of applying for research funding.

Karen and Gwen will both discuss the following:

  • Their role and involvement in research
  • Positive experiences of applying for funding
  • Challenges in applying for funding
  • Advice and tips

In this first video you will meet Karen Nixon who is a Principal Social Worker/Older People Physical at Midlands Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and Honorary Senior Lecturer at Keele University.

Karen is near the beginning of her research journey. She talks about her involvement so far including creating the RIPPLE (Research Informed Practice Peer Learning Exchange) group, where social workers meet to discuss contemporary issues and research. You can find out more about the RIPPLE group in week 8.

Karen reflects on her experiences of applying for funding and talks about the lessons she has learnt so far. She also talks about what advice she would give to learners just starting out in applying for funding. Some of Karen’s key messages about applying funding are:

  • Applications and research are a good opportunity to meet colleagues in other organisations
  • Research funding can turn ideas into reality and make a difference to service users
  • Don’t take unsuccessful bids to heart – you can learn from the feedback
  • Connecting with other colleagues and service users is important to make sure your bid is relevant and will make a difference
  • Plan ahead

Share three key points you learnt about applying for funding from Karen’s video in the comments below. Did you choose anything different from our list above? Did anyone else share the same as you?

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Starting Out in Health and Social Care Research

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