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Representing identity as an onion

Identities can be discovered layer by layer either through self-reflection or interpersonal interaction. Some identities are easily noticeable, but it

Identities can be discovered layer by layer either through self-reflection or interpersonal interaction. Some identities are easily noticeable, but it usually takes interaction to bring out or penetrate deeper layers of identities.

Geert Hofstede and other interculturalists have proposed the metaphor of an ‘onion’ to describe cultural phenomenon. No matter what color an onion is on the outside, we are not sure what is inside. Only by peeling off layer by layer can we discover what is at the core. Cultural identity is similar. When we see other people, we may quickly judge them by external factors, but only if we take the time to relate, talk or share deeper experiences do we get to know them.

Altman and Taylor proposed “Social Penetration Theory” to account for how we first form impressions of people at a public level (the visible or early surface questions), then move to private (relationship building, self-disclosure interaction) and eventually to deeper psychological areas in exploring their personhood. This process allows for the building of deepening interpersonal understanding and trust.

Extending beyond their model, we suggest that even in the depths of our cultural identities or personhood (psyche), there are likely some unanswerable questions. Certain situations, such as emergencies or other crises, may bring out these emotive, character-oriented, moral, or other levels of our being.

What kind of communication has taken you to deeper levels of understanding in getting to know a friend? How does the onion metaphor help you think through challenges you may face when you talk with people who have different cultural backgrounds?
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Intercultural Communication: Dynamics of cultural identities in global interaction

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