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Meet the contributors

In this article you will meet the course contributors, Andrew Mallinson, Cami Rincon, Hera Hussain and Jennifer Opal.

As we mentioned before you won’t be learning alone. Besides each other, you’ll be hearing from some incredible people working to make technologies more inclusive. So now, we’d like to introduce you to the course contributors so that you can understand a bit more about them.

Andrew Mallinson

a headshot of Andrew Andrew Mallinson is an artist and writer based in London and co-founder of Feminist Internet, an organisation working to tackle internet inequalities. Their work draws on queer and feminist practices to understand how the body intersects politically and socially with space. They are an Associate Lecturer at the University of the Arts London’s Creative Computing Institute and Central Saint Martins. Their writing has been published by Pilot Press as part of the ‘Queer Anthology’ series and they have exhibited work with The Photographers Gallery, Furtherfield, Five Years Gallery and IAM in Barcelona.

Follow Andrew:

Instagram: @andrewdmallinson

Follow Feminist Internet:

Instagram: @feministinternet

Twitter: @feministintrnet

Cami Rincon

a headshot of Cami Cami Rincon is a Research Assistant in Public Sector AI Ethics and Governance at the Alan Turing Institute and Conversational Expert at the Conversation Design Institute. Cami’s work has explored risks and opportunities for LGBTQ+ people in AI, with their analyses of Voice AI being accepted at the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and used to inform learning at University of the Arts London’s Creative Computing Insititute.

Follow Cami:

Twitter: @_camirinon

Hera Hussain

a headshot of Hera Hera is the Founder of CHAYN – a global volunteer-run project crowdsourcing resources on the web to address gender-based violence. Chayn has reached more than 360,000 people through its resources which are designed with survivors of abuse. Born in Scotland, raised in Pakistan and living in the UK, Hera knew from early on she wanted to empower women. Hera is a passionate believer in using the power of open source technology and open data to solve the world’s pressing issues. When Hera isn’t running Chayn in her spare time, she works with governments and civil society to open datasets to fight corruption. Hera was on the Forbes 30 Under 30 and MIT Technology Review’s Innovators Under 35 list.

Follow Hera:

Twitter: @herahussain

Instagram: @herahussain

Follow Chayn:

Twitter: @chaynHQ

Instagram: @chaynHQ

Facebook: chayn

Jennifer Opal

a headshot of Cami Rincon With no degree, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder), Jennifer started her first job in tech with BT Group as a Software Engineer working in Test Automation after learning to code in March 2019. Now a DevOps (Big Data) Engineer, Jennifer uses her voice to inspire others to learn how to code, to contribute to the tech industry no matter where they are in the world, and to celebrate their differences. Furthermore, Jennifer launched her own platform during lockdown via where she exclusively shares her blogs.

She then launched ‘The Opal Newsletter’ which features her latest blog, information on coding opportunities for others to learn how to code as well as free guides for her subscribers to download and share. Jennifer has already sent out guides on topics ranging from Machine Learning to Big Data to Front End Web Development. Her work and advocacy have earned her numerous awards and nominations including being shortlisted as one of the “Most Influential Women In Tech UK” by, the winner of the Rising Star Award at the Black Tech Achievement Award, and has been featured on BBC News and The Guardian.

Follow Jennifer:

LinkedIn: jenniferopal

Twitter: @_jenniferopal

Website: Jennifer Opal

What are you inspired to explore further having met the team? We encourage you to explore the contributors’ work and share anything that sparks your imagination in the comments below!

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Gender-Inclusive Approaches in Technology

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