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Live event: Q and A about resources

To introduce live event

On Wednesday 6 July at 5pm UK time we held a live question and answer session on our ExploreELT Facebook page.

You can watch the recording of the session on YouTube if you were unable to attend, or on YouKu or on the Facebook page. At the bottom of this step you can find a pdf with all the links we talked about during the session.

In this course we’ve been using digital resources, for example, Padlet, Quizlet and Vocaroo. In this question and answer session we’ll be talking about these tools and answering your questions about more tools you can access and use in the classroom. Join us then to ask questions about digital resources, off line resources or working with very few resources. Please add your questions in the comments section as you do the different tasks this week and we’ll do our best to answer the most common questions in our session. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • What are some ideas for using phone cameras with learners?
  • Are there any tools to help learners with writing? What are they?
  • What digital resources are good for helping learners with grammar?
  • How can I use Padlet with my learners?
  • Can I use Quizlet without the timer?
  • Should I let my learners use their mobile devices in the classroom?
  • What kind of resources do schools usually have available for teachers?
  • Do most schools give teachers a coursebook to use, or are they expected to prepare all of the material from scratch?
  • What kind of resources do learners like?
  • What do teachers do if they don’t have access to many resources?
  • If you aren’t able to join us you can view the event on Facebook afterwards. If you do not have access to Facebook, or would like a permanent record of the session then you can read or download a complete PDF transcript of the session which we’ll add to this step on Friday 15 July.

    © UCLES 2016
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