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Basics of Dutch Grammar

In this step, you will learn some of the basics of Dutch grammar. In our view, grammar is a practical tool for structuring the ideas and thoughts you want to express. Grammar is not a goal in itself, but it can be a great help.

In this step, you will learn some of the basics of Dutch grammar. In our view, grammar is a practical tool for structuring the ideas and thoughts you want to express. Grammar is not a goal in itself, but it can be a great help.

You can watch a video with a teacher explaining and reading the examples, and / or you can read the text on this grammatical subject. Choose what feels best for you. In the Introduction to Dutch Course, we teach you about the basic principles and rules.

Dutch Grammar – The Basics


Here are some adjectives you heard or read in the dialogues.

Het is een leuke baan. It is a nice job.
Het is lekker weer. It is nice weather.
Een mooi stadion. A beautiful stadium.
Een goed idee. A good idea.
Heel groot. Very big.
Volgende maand. Next month.

Form of the adjective

In some cases, an -e is added to an adjective.

When the adjective is not followed by a noun, when it is used independently, no -e is added.

Het stadion is mooi. The stadium is beautiful.
Het weer is lekker. The weather is nice.

When the adjective is followed by a noun, the main rule is: an -e is added.

Het is een leuke baan. It is a nice job
Volgende maand. Next month

In one case no -e is added: when the noun is a singular, indefinite het-woord.

For example

Het idee

het goede idee een goed idee

Het stadion

het mooie stadion een mooi stadion

So, when the noun is a de-woord, an -e is always added.

De pizza

de lekkere pizza een lekkere pizza

De baan

de leuke baan een leuke baan

Practise with Quizlet

Dutch Grammar Practice

Would you like to practise Dutch grammar? Please visit our grammar section on adjectives on Quizlet (if you prefer Quizlet to open in a separate window, click the CTRL key while clicking the link).

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Introduction to Dutch

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