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Implementation of Case Plans - a multi-sectoral approach and access to services and information

Implementation of Case Plans - a multi-sectoral approach and access to services and information

Case implementation involves transforming a child’s Case Plans into real actions. As we discussed in the previous course step, within the Case Plan will be details of which services will be provided, taking into consideration any current restrictions. It is important the assigned caseworker remains responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Plan and coordinating the delivery of services and other support.

In this video you will hear from Richard Munyaneza who is a psychologist working for Hope and Homes for Children in Rwanda. Richard explains some of the challenges of implementing child protection case management during lockdown in Rwanda. He tells us about the case of a young child who was reunified with their mother from a residential institution for children with disabilities before the lockdown. Richard speaks about how some of the challenges in implementing the child’s Care Plan have been overcome by working in extended partnerships with local service providers and community groups.

Delivery of services

During the COVID-19 pandemic, working together to achieve the actions and delivery of services identified in a child’s Case Plan will also require ongoing updating of referral pathways to different services, regularly updated directory of services, and ways to refer children – and caregivers when needed – to those services. This might include healthcare, alternative care, cash assistance, water and sanitation, food distribution, legal services and other support services etc. It may also mean a role for members of community-based groups as we discussed in course step 10.

Let us remind ourselves of some of the information this directory should contain:

  • What a services can provide
  • How they can be accessed during the pandemic
  • Named focal points and other contacts – and how to reach them
  • Which teams from which services are still able to safely visit children and caregivers
  • Which facilities such as health centres, police stations etc. are open and safe to visit. When they are open and perhaps maps of where they are.

Implementation of case plans during the COVID-19 pandemic might also mean services and other support is provided to the places a child is living if possible, rather than asking the child to visit another location. If you are visiting a child but you are not a child protection caseworker, please be careful about how you communicate with the child and don’t seek information that does not relate to the service you are offering, or as agreed with the child’s caseworker.

Connecting with children and caregivers

For those of you who are caseworkers connecting with a child and caregivers – or other trusted adults in contact with the child – please also refer to the guidance issued by the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The information below has been adapted from this guidance and includes:

  • Make inquiries about the health of those in the setting the child is residing – before or at the beginning of any interaction – and where necessary, support a referral to a health service provider
  • Reassure the child and relevant caregivers, or other trusted adults, that they will have ongoing contact with a caseworker
  • Inform the child and relevant caregivers, or other trusted adults, about what will happen and how you will communicate with them
  • Make sure the child, relevant caregivers, or other trusted adults, know how to contact the caseworker in the event of an emergency
  • Develop or update safety plans with the child including who and how to contact someone they trust if they are being harmed
  • Document all the interactions with child and relevant caregivers, or other trusted adults
  • Provide key messages and information that focus on stress reduction, parenting, child development, social and emotional learning, safety, how to access services, etc.

It is also important to consider safety considerations for anyone accessing services during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as those of you who are front-line workers, and how to keep yourselves safe. We will explore this topic in course step 26.

The ‘See Also’ section below has links to other reading material that may be of interest to you.

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COVID-19: Adapting Child Protection Case Management

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