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Introducing simple directional complements

In this video, Dr Li will introduce simple directional complements.

In this video we learn 简单趋向补语“来” 和“去” jiǎndān qūxiàng bǔyǔ “lái” hé “qù”(the simple directional complement “来” and“去” ). The structure is: verb +来 or verb +去 Here the complement “来” and“去” shows the direction of the verb. If the action moves towards the speaker or proceeds towards the object under discussion,we use “来”, and if the action moves away from the speaker or proceeds away from the object under discussion,we use“去”.

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For example:
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The following table is the main simple directional complements, notice that the verb “起qǐ”is special,it can only be used with “Lai” to form a directional complement,means “get up”.

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The following is Chinese and English Version of Situational Dialogue in the Video:






Xīxi:I’m already at the school gate. Are you coming?

Wáng Xiǎobǎo:I’m here. You stay at the door and don’t move. I ‘ll be right there.

Xīxi:Why are you so slow? Come on!

Wáng Xiǎobǎo:I am so tired to walk. I will go there by bike.

Xīxi:Well, hurry up, I’ll wait for you.

© Shanghai International Studies University

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Learn Chinese: Introduction to Chinese Grammar

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