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FutureLearn services

If you are experiencing any issues or are unhappy with an aspect of the service FutureLearn provides, please first contact user support.

In the unlikely event your issue has not been resolved, you may then escalate it as a complaint for investigation.

Submitting your complaint

Please email your complaint, along with any supporting evidence, to

What happens next

Your complaint will be escalated internally within FutureLearn for investigation. We will try and respond to your complaint within 20 working days, or let you know the status of the investigation if it will take longer. We will always keep you updated.

Who reviews complaints

Complaints are processed by our User Support team but will be passed to members of staff as appropriate. For example, a complaint about a moderation decision might be reviewed by FutureLearn’s Head of Content, Legal Counsel, and User Advocates not involved in the original moderation decision.

Your complaint and your personal details will always be treated confidentially and will not be shared with anyone outside of the investigation.

If your complaint involves a member of FutureLearn staff, the complaint will not be reviewed by that member of staff. Once the complaint has been resolved it may be discussed with them.

Course content or facilitation (partners)

We require all users on the FutureLearn platform, including educators, to abide by our Code of Conduct.

Most courses on the FutureLearn platform are created by FutureLearn’s partners. As such any complaints about course content will be passed on to the partner that created and ran the course. Any complaints about courses created and run by FutureLearn will be investigated internally. Both processes are outlined below.

Submitting your complaint

Please submit your complaint, along with any supporting evidence, to

What happens next

With your permission, your complaint will be passed on to the partner by FutureLearn. FutureLearn will coordinate with the partner and aim to respond to your complaint within 20 working days, or let you know the status of the investigation if it will take longer. We will always keep you updated.

If your complaint involves a course created by us, it will be investigated using the same process as set out above for FutureLearn services. In particular, if your complaint involves a microcredential, it may be investigated by our Oversight Group and external Validation Partner(s).

Who reviews complaints

Who reviews the complaint will depend on the processes within the specific partner organisation.

Each partner’s internal processes are slightly different, but we will pass your complaint to a contact at the organisation who did not develop or facilitate the course. We will then ask them to process the complaint according to their organisation’s policies, and we will let you know the outcome.

Concerns about vulnerable learners

As a company, we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all who use our services, and provide a safe learning environment that protects those who are most vulnerable. If you’re worried about the welfare of a vulnerable person, we have a separate safeguarding policy which explains how you can raise an issue.

This page was last updated 09/10/2020