Introducing more detailed, more rigorous Certificates of Achievement
We’ve just introduced a new type of certificate to help you better prove what you’ve achieved on FutureLearn courses. Here, our Senior Product Manager, Simon Pearson, explains the new Certificate of Achievement.
Proving what you’ve achieved on FutureLearn courses is now even easier. Many courses that start on or after 9 May 2016 will offer a new Certificate of Achievement alongside the existing Statement of Participation. This is a more detailed record of what you’ve achieved on a course, with more rigorous eligibility criteria.

In the last few months, we carried out extensive research with learners, and you told us lots of ways in which we could better help you prove what you’ve learned. We’ve incorporated your feedback into the new Certificate.
More detailed
You told us that you’d like more detail to articulate what the course entailed. As well as all of the detail previously displayed on Statements of Participation, Certificates of Achievement come with an accompanying transcript of learning.
This transcript details the learning outcomes and syllabus for your course, plus your average test score, making it ideal evidence of your continuing professional development (CPD), or your interest in and understanding of a subject. The Certificate will also contain the detail of any accrediting or recognising institutions associated with the course.
More rigorous
You also said that you’d like the option of more rigorous eligibility criteria, compared with the existing Statement of Participation. We listened. To buy a Certificate, you must complete over 90% of the course and achieve an overall average test score over 70%.
Digital and printed
Like the Statement of Participation, you can access your Certificate and transcript instantly online after you buy it. They exist at a permanent URL, which you can easily share on your LinkedIn profile, online CV, Facebook, Twitter or elsewhere. You will also receive printed copies in the post later.
Varying prices
We’re also introducing varying prices on Statements and Certificates, in order to offer you a better range of choice. Statements of Participation will be available from £19.00 (GBP) + shipping, and Certificates of Achievement from £39.00 (GBP) + shipping.
The money from the sale of both Statements and Certificates helps us to develop and maintain FutureLearn, and enables our partners to offset some of the costs of developing and running free courses.
If you have any questions about Certificates of Achievement, check out our FAQs or ask them in the comments below.