Skip to 0 minutes and 15 seconds Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in this world. Many individuals captivated by the idea of “la bella vita” come to this country as a tourist, as a workers, as a students. Some even decide to live here eventually. However, for many, when observing the Italian legal system, it feels very difficult to understand how Italian public law and Italian public institutions function. In particular, it is not easy to understand why governments are unable to last for an entire legislature or why there is so much political instability or how the system of checks and balances is organized.
Skip to 0 minutes and 57 seconds During this course, we will provide you with a synthetic understanding of Italian public institutions focusing specifically on the importance of the principle of separation of powers in constitutional democracies. By using a comparative methodology, we will approach the Italian institutional system providing details on its structure and identifying similarities and differences with other legal systems. We will explain to you how the legislative, the executive and the judicial powers are organized and work within our system. This seven weeks course will support you in identifying the specific features concerning our parliamentary system, our government, our Head of State, our judicial system, our Constitutional Court, and the distribution of power among different levels of government.
Skip to 1 minute and 51 seconds You are not going to be alone during this journey, Sergio and I will assist you. Being professors of comparative public law will give us the opportunity to invite you to reflect on how Italian public institutions can be considered similar or different to your own country’s institutions. This comparative effort will assist you in understanding, fixing, and memorizing all the different topics. And if you have any doubt, don’t worry, it will be possible to interact with us according to the guidelines provided at the beginning of the course. By the end of this course, you should have a deeper understanding of how Italian public institutions function. Let’s start this journey together. Are you ready? Andiamo!