Skip to 0 minutes and 22 seconds Climate change is arguably the greatest environmental challenge facing humanity in the 21st century. The consequences of a warming climate are far reaching, affecting freshwater resources, global food production and sea levels. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is leading the international efforts to combat climate change and limit global warming to well below two degrees Celsius . To achieve this objective and to make decisions on climate change mitigation and adaptation, the United Nations requires systematic observations of the climate.
Skip to 1 minute and 8 seconds The Climate Change Initiative Programme of the European Space Agency uses satellite observations and merges them and provides consistent and trustworthy climate data records. In this online course, we would like you to have a closer look at the climate, how it changes and interacts with the atmosphere cryosphere, land and ocean. A series of articles and video from world class scientists will guide you through the most important aspects of the climate and its nexus with the earth system and how they are observed using satellite data. Through exercises, you will acquire the analytical skills and techniques to manipulate satellite data of essential climate variables using the Climate Change Initiative toolbox, which is called CATE.
Skip to 2 minutes and 11 seconds This online course is three weeks long, and each week forms and independent learning unit focusing on one specific aspect of the climate. The first week forms a general introduction and can therefore be followed by the public and non-specialist. The second week focuses on land and the climate nexus and the third week focuses on the cryosphere and the climate nexus. As they are independent learning units you can follow one week, combine more than one, or follow the whole three week course. Following the three week course and completing the quizzes and exercises, you will receive a certificate equivalent to one study credit. We trust that education will prepare you, the future generation, with the right competencies to address and mitigate climate change.
Skip to 3 minutes and 11 seconds I am Suhyb Salama and I will be your lead facilitator through this online course. This is your opportunity to learn from world class scientists, work with cutting edge technology, and use state-of-the-art software. It’s your chance to become yourself a scholar working at the forefront of scientific discoveries. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy completing this journey with us.