• University of Leeds

Transport Systems: Global Issues and Future Innovations

Discover how the transport sector can develop infrastructures that meet the needs of a 21st century population.

11,182 enrolled on this course

Aerial view of a curved intersection on a highway.

Transport Systems: Global Issues and Future Innovations

11,182 enrolled on this course

  • 2 weeks

  • 4 hours per week

  • Accreditation available

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Introductory level

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Explore how and why transport systems must change in the 21st century

What are the challenges faced by today’s transport sector? How can transport professionals develop systems that meet the needs of the 21st century?

Get answers to these questions and more with this course exploring the future of transport. You will learn about effective transport planning and modelling, considering how transport solutions can become sustainable, reduce pollution and improve the health and safety of people across the world.

You will also consider how technologies such as connected and autonomous vehicles and high-speed rail might address global issues.

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Skip to 0 minutes and 10 seconds Problem solvers from a range of academic disciplines and professions are needed to shape the future of the transport sector, and find practical, sustainable solutions to the transport challenges faced in the 21st century. The Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds boasts cutting-edge driving simulation technology, research areas of global interest, a diverse range of academic skill sets, and some of the most advanced modelling software available today. We’ve crafted this online course to explain how the changing nature of society affects transport, and explore how we can develop and evaluate solutions to address global challenges in transport infrastructure and operations. Do you have a mind for complex problem solving? Join Transport Systems, Global Issues and Future Innovations today.

What topics will you cover?

  • The current state of transport.
  • Challenges facing the transport sector.
  • The changing nature of society and how transport is adapting.
  • Designing highway infrastructure.
  • Careers in the transport sector.
  • The cost of transportation – vehicle noise, emissions and the effects on public health.
  • The cost of transportation – maintaining infrastructure, energy and climate change.
  • How engineering and technology can address some of the challenges facing the transport sector.
  • Designing the transportation of the future.

Who is this accredited by?

The CPD Certification Service
The CPD Certification Service:

This course has been accredited by the CPD Certification Service, which means it can be used to provide evidence of your continuing professional development.

When would you like to start?

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  • Available now

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What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Describe current challenges facing the transport sector and possible solutions.
  • Summarise approaches to solving infrastructure problems.
  • Explore design choices that inform the redevelopment of an existing major road junction.
  • Explain the role that transport professionals have to play in shaping the future of transport.
  • Debate the rising financial, environmental and health costs associated with transportation and who should pay for them.
  • Explain how engineering technology is being used to address the challenges of rising demand for transport.
  • Investigate ways to address road safety problems in low and middle income countries.
  • Model alternatives to solve a complex urban transport problem.

Who is the course for?

This course is for undergraduate students and mid-career professionals interested in a career in the transport industry.

It will be especially useful for undergraduates studying engineering, urban planning, mathematics, economics, geography and psychology. It will also be useful for mid-career professionals already working in the transport sector or considering a move to the transport sector from other areas such as engineering, scientific research, local and national government policy making, construction and logistics.

Who will you learn with?

Yue Huang

Lecturer in Transport Engineering,
Institute for Transport Studies,
University of Leeds

Who developed the course?

University of Leeds

University of Leeds

As one of the UK’s largest research-based universities, the University of Leeds is a member of the prestigious Russell Group and a centre of excellence for teaching.

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MEDEA Awards

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