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A Journey Through Transfer Medicine

Understanding the complexity and diversity of transfer medicine for critically ill patients across a global landscape.

5,075 enrolled on this course

A Journey Through Transfer Medicine

5,075 enrolled on this course

  • 4 weeks

  • 4 hours per week

  • Digital certificate when eligible

  • Intermediate level

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Discover how to keep critically ill patients safe during transfer

Across the world, thousands of critically ill patients are transferred within hospitals and between locations, yet there is little formal training available.

This novel, interactive course is designed to address this gap. You will develop skills and knowledge around transferring critically ill patients across road, air and remote environments. Working with pilots, we have included non-technical skills training, drawing parallels with aviation, and relating these back to medicine. We will explore transfer medicine in specialised settings and hear experts on preparing for these.

Whatever your background, you will learn to plan and execute transfers of critically ill patients safely.


  • Week 1

    Introduction To Transfer Medicine

    • Graphic showing a white snaking arrow on blue background around a transfer stretcher, medical uniform, ambulance and the transfer medicine MOOC logo


      A short introduction to the course

    • A transfer team moving a patient on a stretcher from a helicopter

      Why Is Transfer Medicine Important?

      In this introductory section, we look at some examples around the world that highlight the need and importance of transfer medicine.

    • An Adult Critical Care Transfer team in action. The team is leaving the hospital and picture shows them in action moving the trolley loaded with patient, ventilator, IV pumps and portable suction. All team members are helping push and pull the stretcher.

      What Is Transfer Medicine?

      In this activity, we will try to define "transfer medicine" and explore some of the modes.

    • This image shows the transfer of an infectious patient across a bridge, whilst prone on a ventilator and nitric oxide. There are significant risks of patient deterioration with so much critical equipment and risks to staff of catching the infection.

      Identifying Risks

      Critical care transfers pose a well-recognised risk to patients. Learn how to identify risks in this section.

    • A high risk transfer - the patient is pregnant, infectious, prone and on multi-organ support.

      Minimising Risks

      In this section, we will examine various strategies to minimise risk in transfer medicine.

    • Human Factors: An Introduction

      An introduction to human factors hosted by WingFactors, a team of airline pilots.

    • Graphic showing a white snaking arrow on blue background around a transfer stretcher, medical uniform, ambulance and the transfer medicine MOOC logo

      End Of Week Summary

      You've reached the end of Week 1! Here, we will summarise the main learning points of the week.

  • Week 2

    A Practical Guide To Transfers

    • Course logo including icons for checklist, oxygen cylinder and monitoring


      A short introduction to Week 2 - A Practical Guide To Transfers

    • A patient on non-invasive ventilation is inside ambulance during a transfer

      Transfer Physiology

      How does the environment and mode of transport impact our patient? A knowledge of transfer physiology is key before embarking on inter-hospital transfers. Here you will learn some of the fundamentals.

    • Caroline, our transfer doctor, is on the phone to receive a referral for the next job.

      Pre-Transfer Preparation

      Preparation is the core of any safe transfer. In this section, we will see a number of videos showing how a team prepares transfers.

    • A patient is packaged for a critical care transfer and transferred from hospital bed to stretcher

      Packaging A Patient

      In this section, you will learn how to package a patient in a structured way. We invite you to engage in discussion about this important skill!

    • A UK pre-hospital retrieval team is pushing a stretcher to the helicopter.

      Before You Depart

      From now on, the team has taken over full responsibility of the patient. We discuss the final checks that are performed to ensure a safe transfer.

    • A helicopter emergency medicine service in Germany package a critically-ill patient in the pre-hospital environment

      Critical Incidents During Transfer

      What could possibly go wrong? Despite diligent preparation, adverse events do occur during transfers. We will discuss the various types of critical incidents and methods for preventing and managing them, including human factors.

    • The picture shows the transfer of a complex patient who is proned.

      Arriving At The Receiving Hospital

      The final stages of a transfer. Safe handover at the destination hospital and the importance of debriefing are explored in this activity.

    • Course logo including icons for checklist, oxygen cylinder and monitoring

      End Of Week Summary

      You have reached the end of Week 2! Here, we will summarise the main learning points of the week.

  • Week 3

    Equipment, Decision Making & Aeromedical Transfers

    • Welcome!

      A short introduction to Week 3 - Equipment & Aeromedical Transfers

    • Open bags and equipment of a German HEMS helicopter layed out together with two of the passenger seats

      Equipment & Technology

      A variety of equipment is used in transfer medicine. Here we take a look at what we use and why it matters.

    • Documentation of vital signs on a paper chart

      Documentation & Communication

      We look at how to document a transfer and why communication matters.

    • Decision making in the team

      Transfer Decision-Making

      Decision-making is a crucial aspect of transfer medicine. In this section we explore some clinical scenarios and discuss the human factors surrounding decision-making.

    • Layout of patient transfer on long haul flights

      Aeromedical Transfer & Retrieval Medicine

      In this section, we learn about transferring critically ill patients over short and long distances using commercial carriers, helicopters and ambulance jets.

    • Graphic for Week 3 depicting a syringe, helicopter and transfer kit

      End Of Week Summary

      You have reached the end of Week 3! Here, we will summarise the main learning points of the week.

  • Week 4

    Specialist & Extreme Transfers

    • Graphic for Week 4 depicting fire, a pregnant patient and a head scan


      A short introduction to Week 4 - Specialist & Extreme Transfers

    • Image of a radiograph of head trauma

      Neurological & Neurosurgical Transfers

      How to transfer the brain-injured patient.

    • ECMO stretcher

      Cardio-Respiratory Failure

      Cardio-respiratory failure is common in critical care. Discover some of the methods used to manage these patients in the transfer setting.

    • Photo of surgical wound dressing in theatre

      Major Trauma & Burns Transfers

      Overcoming the challenges of transferring patients with major trauma and burns.

    • Intubated patient with obesity

      Bariatric Transfers

      There is an increasing need for transfer services to accommodate patients living with obesity. Learn about the specific challenges and solutions in this chapter.

    • A theatre team

      Obstetric Transfers

      Learn about transferring patients in the peri-partum period.

    • Keeping an awake child entertained during a transfer

      Paediatric Transfers

      How is the transfer of an infant or child different from that of an adult? Find out in this section.

    • An infectious disease transfer in an ambulance with full PPE

      High Consequence Infectious Diseases (HCID)

      Discuss the core principles of transferring patients with HCIDs.

    • A view out of the helicopter in the Antarctic

      Remote & Extreme Transfer Medicine

      In this section, we will learn how challenging transfers can be in remote environments.

    • Graphic for Week 4 depicting fire, a pregnant patient and a head scan

      End Of Week Summary

      You have reached the end of Week 4! Here, we will summarise the main learning points of the week.

    • Abstract design picture by Simeon Koebler

      A Future Perspective

      We wrap up the learning in this MOOC and take a look into the future of transfer medicine.

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  • Available now

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On every step of the course you can meet other learners, share your ideas and join in with active discussions in the comments.

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you‘ll be able to...

  • Explore the scope of transfer medicine practice and understand the risks involved in transferring critically unwell patients
  • Summarise the physiological principles, human factors and relevant guidelines required to optimise a patient, transfer them safely and handle critical incidents
  • Assess the importance of equipment and different modes of transport in executing a safe transfer
  • Develop an understanding of specialist, unusual and remote situations and specific patient groups who need safe critical transfer

Who is the course for?

This course is designed for all healthcare professionals with an interest in the transfer of critically ill patients.

This includes nurses, paramedics, practitioners and doctors in anaesthesia, critical care, emergency medicine, prehospital medicine and various other disciplines, as well as students in these fields.

Who will you learn with?

Arndt Melzer

Arndt is a consultant anaesthetist at UCLH and has set up and led critical transfer services in London and Germany. He was medical lead of an ADAC HEMS base in Fulda, Germany

Riaz Aziz

Riaz is an anaesthetic and intensive care medicine doctor. She holds a diploma in transfer and retrieval medicine and has led digital projects for a transfer service

Anthony O'Dwyer

I'm passionate about transfer medicine, working as an anaesthetic consultant at Cambridge University Hospitals and serve as Education and Training lead for the East of England ACCTS.

Verity Blackburn

Verity is an anaesthetic doctor in London and a Clinical Lecturer at UCL. Having completed a fellowship in Transfer Medicine she now educates for London's Adult Critical Care Transfer Service

Joe Brandreth

Joe is an anaesthetic registrar in London and has completed a fellowship in adult transfer medicine.

Deepshri  Sureshkumar

Deepshri is an anaesthetic registrar in London, where she did a fellowship with the Children's Acute Transport Service. She has illustrated the graphics that will take you through the course.

Who developed the course?

UCL logo

UCL (University College London)

UCL was founded in 1826. It was the first English university established after Oxford and Cambridge, and the first to open up university education to those previously excluded from it.

Endorsers and supporters

endorsed by

The Royal College of Anaesthetists logo

endorsed by

SOBA logo

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endorsed by

Royal College of Paramedics Logo

endorsed by

National Association of EMS Physicians Logo

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